There is extraordinary exposure in the
United States to the risks of injury and death from motor vehicle accidents.
More than 80 percent of all households own passenger cars or light trucks
and each of these is driven a average of more than 11,000 miles each year.
Almost one-half of fatally injured drivers have a blood alcohol concentration
(BAC) of 0.1 percent or higher. For the average adult, over five ounces of
80 proof spirits would have to be consumed over a short period of time to attain
these levels. A third of drivers who have been drinking, but fewer than 4
percent of all drivers, demonstrate these levels. Although less than 1
percent of drivers with BAC s of 0.1 percent or more are involved in fatal
crashes, the probability of their involvement is 27 times higher than for those
without alcohol in their blood. There A. is unreasonably high as a definition of intoxication for purposes of driving B. penalizes the moderate drinker while allowing the heavy drinker to consume without limit C. is well below the BAC of must drivers who are involved in fatal collisions D. proves that a driver has consumed five ounces of 80 proof spirits over a short time [单项选择]男,50岁。身高178cm,体重72kg,头痛、头晕、失眠、耳鸣、烦躁、精力不易集中并容易出现疲劳。有高血压家族史,临床检查发现:收缩压185mmHg,舒张压110mmHg,血清总胆固醇5.2mmol/L,而甘油三酯1.60mmol/L。服药期间不宜选用()。
A. 芹菜 B. 番茄 C. 黄瓜 D. 大蒜 E. 扁豆 [判断题]电气化铁路相关作业人员二年进行一次安全考试,考试合格后,方准参加作业。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]1.12 大型客车、中型客车科目三道路驾驶技能考试里程不少于_____公里。
A.5 B.10 C.15 D.20 [单项选择]高某委托何某购买A型号山地车一辆,何某到商场后发现该型号的山地车售罄,担心高某急需使用,遂为其购买了一辆普通B型号的山地车,高某拒收,何某诉至法院。对此,下列说法正确的是()。
A. 高某拒绝受领的行为合法,何某的行为属于越权代理 B. 高某与何某之间无书面委托书,委托关系不成立 C. 何某的行为属于有效行为,因为是为了高某的利益 D. 高某不得拒绝受领,因为何某有代理权 [判断题]根据《变电安规》,凡盛有或盛过易燃易爆等化学危险物品的容器、设备、管道等生产、储存装置,在动火作业前应将其与生产系统彻底隔离,并进行清洗置换,经分析合格后,方可动火作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列有关SQL内外层互相关嵌套查询叙述正确的是( )。
A. 外层查询依赖于内层查询的结果,而内层查询与外层查询无关 B. 内层查询依赖于外层查询的结果,而外层查询与内层查询无关 C. 外层查询的条件需要内层查询提供值,而内层查询的条件需要外层查询的结果 D. 内层查询的条件需要外层查询提供值,而外层查询的条件需要内层查询的结果 [单选题]依据公安部第61号令,企业应当至少( )进行一次防火检查.
A.每月 B.每星期 C.每季度 [名词解释]起始晶粒度
[单选题]B-A-E-001 5 2 4
轴承、后档与轴颈、防尘板座选配应在压装间内进行,压装间的温度应不低于( )。 A.5℃ B.8℃ C.10℃ D.15℃ [多项选择]道德修养的主要内容包括()。
A. 提高道德认识 B. 陶冶道德情感 C. 锻炼道德意志 D. 加强道德行为训练 [单选题]如果要求在检修任一引出线的母线隔离开关时,不影响其他支路供电,则可采用(____)。
A.内桥接线 B.单母线带旁路接线 C.双母线接线 D.单母线分段接线 我来回答: 提交