Punishment depends as much on politics
as it does on crime: crime rates have been stable in recent years but there’ s
been a striking increase in the prison population, And because populism is
coming so much to (1) the political agendas, politicians are
advocating sharp increases in penalties to take (2) of
public unease. The question is how far this will get. In the 21st century weak
governments might try to win legitimacy by being especially (3)
on crime. That could mean high prison populations and draconian
(4) such as those adopted in the United States in recent
years. Luckily, there remain significant differences between the UK and the USA: social divisions are less extreme an A. lower B. higher C. more D. less [单选题]生产卷烟纸.滤嘴棒.烟用丝束.烟草专用机械的企业,应当按照( )组织生产。
A.国家烟草专卖行政主管部门的计划 B.与烟草制品生产企业签订的订货合同 C.市场需求的实际情况 D.国家烟草专卖行政主管部门的计划以及与烟草制品生产企业签订的订货合同 [判断题]气瓶立放时应采取防止倾倒措施,作业现场应备有相应的消防器材,露天作业应防止阳光直射在氧气瓶或乙炔瓶上
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]原料无须净化就可以送入催化反应器。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]房屋调查与测绘是以( )为单元分户进行的。
A. 宗地 B. 小区 C. 户 D. 幢 [简答题]用电检查的纪律有哪些?
A.保持尿道口清洁 B.观察并及时排空集尿袋内尿液 C.定期更换导尿管 D.若病情允许应鼓励病人每日摄入 2500ml 以上水分 [多选题]实施易燃易爆物质输转倒罐时,( )必须采取接地措施。
A.管线 B.设备 C.防护装备 D.水枪 [单项选择]
Text 2 [单项选择]不得进入证券交易所交易的证券商是( )。
A. 会员证券商 B. 非会员证券商 C. 会员承销商 D. 会员证券自营商 [单选题]下列各项中,( )不是保险合同的主要形式。
A.保险凭证 B.保险收据 C.投保单 D.暂保单 [单选题]以下哪种商品禁止在淘宝网上出售? ( )(单选题)
A. 零食 B. 运动手表 C. 采血针 D. 摩托车配件 [单选题]图样上所注的尺寸,应按照管道的实际长度标注,与( )无关。
A.大小 B.数字 C.比例 D.单位 [简答题]
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