George Washington proclaimed a
National Day of Thanksgiving in 1789, {{U}} (36) {{/U}} some were opposed
to it. There was {{U}} (37) {{/U}} among the colonies, {{U}} (38)
{{/U}} feeling the hardships of a few Pilgrims did not {{U}} (39)
{{/U}} a national holiday. And {{U}} (40) {{/U}} , President Thomas
Jefferson laughed {{U}} (41) {{/U}} the idea of having a day of
thanksgiving. {{U}} (42) {{/U}} was Sarah Josepha Hale, a magazine editor, whose efforts eventually led to {{U}} (43) {{/U}} we now recognize as Thanksgiving. Hale wrote many editorials championing her {{U}} (44) {{/U}} in her Boston Ladies’ Magazine. {{U}} (45) {{/U}}, after a 40-year {{U}} (46) {{/U}} of writing editorials and letters to governors and presidents, Hale’s obsession became a {{U}} (47) {{/U}} w A. Finally B. Thus C. Afterwards D. Likewise [单项选择]下列一般不属于市场风险限额指标的是()。
A. 风险价值限额 B. 头寸限额 C. 资本限额 D. 止损限额 [单选题] TAZ II/S295计轴系统输出板由( )个继电器组成,完成车轮传感器的状态输出和区间空闲或占用的条件输出。
A.10 B.8 C.6 D.12 [简答题]一个等腰三角形底边和腰的长分别为6cm和5cm,有一个矩形它的周长和面积与上述等腰三角形的周长和面积相等,求矩形的长和宽。
[单选题]《劳动合同管理办法》:新进员工第一次签订劳动合同期限一般为( )。
A.2年 B.3年 C.7年 [判断题]交叉敏感性检测时,油样中CO 大于1000μL/L、CO2含量大于10000μL/L, H2含量小于50μL/L。合格判据为:CH4测量结果应满足Q/GDW 10536规范要求:( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]站线道岔与曲线或道岔与其连接曲线之间的直线段长度在困难条件下不应小于( ) m。
A.4.5 B.5 C.5.5 D.6 E.7 F.7.5 [单项选择]Letter 1
Dear Ann, I am going to give a dinner party next month. I want my guests to enjoy themselves and to feel comfortable. What is the secret of giving a successful party Letter 2 Dear Mary, Cooking something would let you spend less time with your guests. If a guest offers to help you in the kitchen, accept the offer. It often makes people feel more comfortable when they can help. Before serving dinner, while your guests make small talks in the living room, offer them drinks. Some guests may like wine, but make sure to provide soft drinks for people who don’t. At the dinner table, let your guests serve themselves. Offer them a second serving after they finish, but don’t ask more than once. Most guests will take more if they want. Perhaps the most important rule of all is to be natural. Treat your guests as you want them to treat you when you’re in their home — that is, act naturally toward them, and don’t try too hard to be poli A. is asking for advice on giving a dinner party B. knows the secret of giving a pleasant party C. is going to attend a dinner party D. has successfully held a party [单选题]倒闸操作人员(包括监护人)应了解操作目的和操作顺序。对指令有疑问时应向()询问清楚无误后执行。
A.值班负责人 B.发令人 C.受令人 D.班站长 [简答题]什么是食用农产品?
[多选题](类别:号段管理 难度:中等)下列对智慧军营产品的描述,正确的是____。( )
A.紧密围绕战备和训练核心业务工作 B.在一个平台上构建战备执勤、军事训练、政治工作、部队管理、后装保障、营院安防、节能环保、日常办公、公共服务等军事业务管理系统环保部门 C.改造、集成各类信息基础设施和信息化支撑环境,如视频、广播、门禁等 D.摒弃原有系统,完全新建智慧军营平台 [单项选择]急性心包炎胸痛的特点是()
A. 前俯位时加重 B. 前俯位时减轻 C. 深呼吸时减轻 D. 疼痛不放射到其他部位 E. 随渗液量增多而加重 [单选题](类别:号段管理难度:中等)以下哪种客户不是医疗云的目标客户?()
A.刚采购了服务器的二甲医院 B.新建医院,机房仍在规划当中 C.计划建设全民健康信息平台的卫计部门 D.设备已购买了8年的三甲医院 [单选题]10kV线路首端发生短路时,()保护动作,断路器跳闸。( )
A.过电流 B.速断 C.低周减载 D.差动 [单选题]煤气管道泄漏,必须( )该管段的煤气压力,( )煤气泄漏量
A.降低,增大 B.提高,减小 C.降低,减小 D.提高,增大 [单项选择]良好的行为举止,合乎()的仪表、仪容、仪态可以帮助餐厅服务员顺利走向职业、事业的成功。
A. 礼仪规范 B. 着装要求 C. 职业规范 D. 行业要求 我来回答: 提交