Names have gained increasing importance in the
competitive world of higher education. As colleges strive for market share, they
are looking for names that project the image they want or reflect the changes
they hope to make. Trenton State College, for example, became the College of New
Jersey nine years ago when it began raising admissions standards and appealing
to students from throughout the state. "All I hear in higher education is, ’Brand, brand, brand,’" said Tim Westerbeck, who specializes in branding and is managing director of Lippmann Hearne, a marketing firm based in Chicago that works with universities and other nonprofit organizations. "There has been a sea change over the last 10 years. Marketing used to be almost a dirty word in higher education. " Not all efforts at name changes are successful, of course. A. the brand B. the college names C. the concept of marketing D. list of majors. [单项选择]短期债券与长期债券相比,变现能力强,风险小,而收益率相对()。
A. 较小 B. 较大 C. 相同 D. 不确定 [单项选择]对牙周炎患者,我们如选择曲面体层片,下列说法哪种不正确?()
A. 方便快捷,一张X线片上可观察整个上、下颌牙体和牙周情况 B. 投照一张曲面体层X线片,患者接受的照射量要大于全口牙片 C. 曲面体层显示细微结构比根尖片差 D. 曲面体层摄影不能取代根尖片检查 [单选题]检修线路、设备停电,应把工作地段内所有可能来电的电源全部断开(任何运行中星形接线设备的中性点,应视为带电设备)。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [判断题]生产经营单位从业人员的培训内容和培训时间,应当符合生产经营单位的生产安排和有关标准的规定。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]防止碘挥发的措施是( ).
A.加热 B.加KI C.溶液酸性 D.溶液碱性 [判断题] 1.2.8-9 题型:1 难度:3 一致性:5
[题目] 化学吸附放出的热量和气体的液化热具有相同的数量级。 A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]ADSL2+理论最大下行速率是()。
A. 8M B. 10M C. 24M D. 32MC 我来回答: 提交