The founders of the Republic viewed
their revolution primarily in political rather than economic or social terms.
And they talked about education as essential to the public good-a goal that took
precedence over knowledge as occupational training or as a means to self-
fulfillment or self-improvement. Over and over again, the Revolutionary
generation, both liberal and conservative in outlook, asserted its conviction
that the welfare of the Republic rested upon an educated citizenry and that
schools, especially free public schools, would be the best means of educating
the citizenry in civic values and the obligations required of everyone in a
democratic republican society. All agreed that the principal ingredients of a
civic education were literacy and the inculcation of patriotic and moral
virtues, some other A. departed radically in tone and style from earlier textbooks B. mentioned for the first time the value of liberty C. treated traditional civic virtues with even greater reverence D. were commissioned by government agencies [简答题]DL548-2012《电力系统通信站防雷运行管理规程》规定,设备遭受雷击后应对损坏情况进行调查分析,调查分析主要包括哪些内容?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对单匝线圈来说,其产生的磁通与流过线圈电流的比值叫该线圈的( ),也叫电感,用L表示。
A.自感系数 B.磁通 C.电流 [单项选择]根据GB/T24001-2004标准,组织应对()人员应具备的能力作出规定。
A. 其工作可能影响环境管理体系有效实施和运行 B. 其工作可能影响工作场所内环境 C. 所有为它或代表它从事被确定为可能具有重大环境影响的工作的 D. A+B+C [单选题]某台区新增加2台有线电视放大器,均未装表计量,会造成台区线损率( )
A.升高 B.下降 C.不变 [单选题]裂纹和硬伤面积超过( )以上的绝缘子用在线路上,在阴雨天气的运行中,易发生击穿和闪络故障。
A.100 m㎡ B.80 m㎡ C.60 m㎡ D.40 m㎡ [判断题]货场的使用面积等于货场总在面积扣除排水明沟、灯塔、水塔等固定建筑物的面积。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]阳明经证与阳明腑证临床主要鉴别点是()
A. 发热的轻重 B. 是否汗出 C. 有无腹痛便秘 D. 有无烦躁狂乱 E. 舌脉有明显差异 [判断题]严禁运输机停止或煤量大时推溜
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列关于实地调研的说法,正确的是( )。
A. 实地调研最大好处就是研究者能够在行为现场观察并且思考,形成了其他研究方法所不及的弹性 B. 实地调研特别适合于那些不宜简单定量的研究课题 C. 实地调研特别适用于进行中的重大事件的研究 D. 实地调研可以揭露一些并非显而易见的事实 我来回答: 提交