Niagara is an Indian word which means
"roaring water", Indeed, the roar of the falling water of Niagara can be heard
(1) a distance of 5kms, Imagine (2) of
water flowing over a cliff 90 feet high and you will get an idea of that
terrible noise. And (3) tremendous power the Niagara River
has! It moves big rocks about and throws them into the boiling water below.
(4) ago an old ship without single person on board was put
in mid-stream. It sailed down the river (5) a toy boat with
great speed. Having reached the fall, the ship dropped into the boiling water,
never (6) again. There were some people who wanted to become
famous (7) , swimming across the most dangerous part of the
Niagara River. One of them was Captain Webb who said that he would try to swim
cross the Niagara, which (8) crowds A. power B. strength C. force D. capacity [单项选择]六味地黄丸主治()。
A. 肾阴亏损 B. 肾阳不足 C. 阴虚火旺 D. 精血亏虚 E. 肺肾两虚 [单选题]电压互感器就是一个降压变压器,与电力回路( )。
A.串联 B.串并联 C.并联 D.混联 [单项选择]()就是将那些出类拔萃的企业作为企业测定基准,以他们为学习的对象,迎头赶上。
A. 头脑风暴法 B. 特性列举法 C. 标杆法 D. 旗帜法 [单选题]邻近带电导线的工作中,应使用绝缘无极绳索,风力应小于(),并设人监护。
A.4级 B.5级 C.6级 D.7级 E.略 F.略 [单选题]根据《民用航空电信人员执照管理办法》,执照理论考试成绩公布后,()负责整理试卷并保存。
A.民航地区管理局电信人员执照管理部门 B.民航局电信人员执照管理部门 C.民航地区空管局电信人员执照管理部门 D.民航空管局电信人员执照管理部门 [多选题]测验的功能有()。
A.激励功能 B.诊断功能 C.区分和选拔功能 D.评定功能 [判断题]颗粒度是存在于油品单位体积内不同粒径的固体微粒的数目浓度。
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]回头向来路望去,那些小山都成了“矮子”。
A. U700(电源管理芯片) B. U2100(加速度传感器) C. U3000(RF收发器) D. U1801(背光驱动芯片) [判断题]若清点硬币,点币前需检查点币机内有无遗留硬币,若有则对遗留硬币进行清点。该硬币金额记入《车站营收日报表》的“客值交接长款”一栏。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根或根茎类药材其采收季节通常是( )
A. 春、夏 B. 二月、八月 C. 果实尚未成熟时 D. 植株充分成长时 E. 花蕾将放或正盛开时 [填空题] In the popular mind, the Internet is the realization of the global village, where the flow of information and ideas is unimpeded by distance or national barriers. Much has been written _____(1) the technology and the benefits that this system of unregulated information exchange will bring. But____(2) has been very little discussion about the languages — human, not computer languages____(3) are being used on the Internet.
Central____(4) the ideology of the emerging Internet community is the freedom of the individual users to express____(5) as they like. Nevertheless,____(6) recently, it has been very difficult to communicate through the Internet in any language_____(7) could not be expressed in the standard English alphabet as defined____(8) the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII).
English is already the premier____(9) of science and technology worldwide. The peculiar restriction of____(10) able to communicate with only the limited ASCII character se
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