{{B}}Passage Two{{/B}} {{B}}Questions 57 to 61 are based on the following passage.{{/B}} Throughout George Bush’s presidency, the federal government has refused to support any regulation of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. Whenever the subject comes up, officials tend to mumble (咕哝) about uncertainties. But on April 2nd, the Supreme Court at last settled one of the biggest outstanding questions: whether the government has the authority to curb emissions in the first place. The court ruled that the Clean Air Act a law from the 1960 designed to combat smog--gives the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the power to regulate carbon dioxide, the main greenhouse gas. It also said the EPA would need an excuse if it decided not to use this power. It dismissed the justifications the EPA had provided for inaction-that emissions from Ame A. The state assembly has no authority to pass the law. B. CO2 is not an air that pollutes the air. C. CO2 is not an air that causes global warming. D. The Congress has not accepted the law yet. [判断题]接到应急送水的指令,当现场群众使用容器接水时,应将水枪接在车辆出水口上放水。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]集散控制系统输入的模拟信号超出()系统不报警。
A. 信号范围 B. 设定高限值 C. 设定低限值 D. 中间值 [单项选择]控制性降压的适应证中,不包括()
A. 颅内血管瘤 B. 中耳手术 C. 麻醉期间高血压 D. PDA结扎术 E. 低血容量 [判断题]光学经纬仪反光镜的作用是经纬仪观测镜内角度读数明亮、清楚。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]国家综合性消防救援队伍单位和人员在与队伍外人员交往中必须遵纪守法,坚决维护国家和队伍的形象。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]“青如天、明如镜、薄如纸、声如磬”是对景德镇“影青”瓷的描述。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]工程质量保险主要承保被保险建筑物由于( )引起的质量事故造成建筑物的损坏。
A. 全部内在缺陷 B. 结构部分的内在缺陷 C. 结构和防水工程部分的内在缺陷 D. 设备安装部分的内在缺陷 [单项选择]国家鼓励社会团体、企事业组织和个人为人口与计划生育工作提供()
A. 捐助 B. 帮助 C. 资助 [填空题]A few months after returning the U.S. from Germany, I took 1. ______
part in a college course in French. Since I have learned 2. ______ to say German well in Germany, I thought it might be 3. ______ interested to begin studying another language. At the 4. ______ first class, the teacher asked us to do a pronunciation 5. ______ exercise in it he would say a word or two in French, and 6. ______ each student would do their best to copy. When he got to 7. ______ me, he kept having me to say more words, and I 8. ______ finally asked him why. "I find it great fun," she explained 9. ______ it. "In 25 years of teaching at school, it’s the first time 10. ______ I’ve heard an American speak French with a German accent./ [判断题]从重处分是指在规定的处分幅度以内给予较重处分
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]采煤机功率自动调节装置,调整范围时由机额定电流的()%。
A. 80-95 B. 95-105 C. 100-120 [单选题]股骨颈骨折股骨头缺血坏死是由于()
A.肱动脉损伤 B.桡神经损伤 C.尺神经损伤 D.股骨转子骨折 E.旋骨内、外动脉损伤 [简答题]监控中心设立资料管理专责人,总体负责监控中心各类资料()、()、()、()等工作
A.心室收缩期缩短,舒张期相对延长 B.加快心肌纤维缩短速度,使收缩敏捷有力 C.心输出量增加 D.心室容积缩小 E.心率增加 [单选题]锉刀舌镦入锉刀柄中,镦入锉刀约为锉刀尾长度的(____)。
A.44563 B.44595 C.44624 D.44656 [单选题]“四个伟大”中起决定性作用的是党的建设新的 ( ) 。
A.伟大斗争 B.伟大工程 C.伟大事业 D.伟大梦想 [单项选择]柴油机每循环供油量一定,其它性能指标和参数随转速的变化关系叫()。
A. 速度特性 B. 负荷特性 C. 油耗特性 D. 万有特性 [简答题]THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING 是一种______。
[单选题]蒸汽锅炉的玻璃管式水位表适用于( )。
A.低压锅炉 B.中压锅炉 C.高压锅炉 [单选题]列车发生紧急情况需要全列干线断电时,由( )呼叫司机进行断电操作。
A.运转车长 B.车辆乘务员 C.列车长 D.乘警 [填空题]厂公司企业文化深化、落地的三大价值:( )、( )、( )。
[单选题]V 形停电作业两接地线间距大于 ( ) 时,需增设接地线。
A.1000m B.900mm C.800mm D.700mm [单选题]以下电缆敷设方式中,最易遭受机械外力伤害的是()。
A.直埋敷设 B.排管敷设 C.电缆沟敷设 D.隧道敷设 [单选题]无权代理中,被代理人的追认权在性质上属于( )
A.形成权 B.抗辩权 C.支配权 D.请求权 [填空题]细菌监测项目采样后应在()内送实验室分析。
[多选题]EMS性能统计数据显示方式有( )。
Performance statistics can be displayed in the following formats on the EMS: ( ).
A.以表格形式显示 list form B.以直方图形式显示 histogram form C.以折线图形式显示 line chart D.以饼图形式显示 pie chart E. F.1234 [单选题]( )轨道交通15号线的综合监控系统【ISCS】中央级系统设备的( ),完成中心实时数据采集和处理工作。
A.冗余服务器 B.实时服务器 C.冗余实时服务器 D.服务器 [简答题]构建全球能源互联网对中国有什么意义?
[单项选择]行政管理体系的核心系统是( )。
A. 结构体系 B. 运行机制 C. 权责体系 D. 规章制度 我来回答: 提交