2010年黑龙江省各月进出口情况 | ||||||
月份 | 进出口总额 (亿美元) | 同比(%) | 出口总额 (亿美元) | 同比(%) | 进口总额 (亿美元) | 同比(%) |
1月 | 17.3 | 1.7 | 8.8 | -32.0 | 8.5 | 109.7 |
2月 | 14.0 | 54.0 | 8.7 | 58.0 | 5.3 | 47.8 |
3月 | 14.7 | 29.7 | 7.8 | 3.6 | 6.9 | 81.5 |
4月 | 16.5 | 18.4 | 8.9 | -3.8 A. 30% B. 35% C. 40% D. 45% [单选题](类别:号段管理 难度:中等)项目经理在进行项目质量规划时应设计出符合项目要求的质量管理流程和标准,由此而产生的质量成本属于()( )
A.纠错成本 B.预防成本 C.评估成本 D.缺陷成本 [名词解释]可变更、可撤销民事行为
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在无人行道的桥面上作业时,起钢轨外口道钉,应站在道心( )并使用专用起钉器或弯头撬棍等特制工具。
A.内侧 B.外侧 C.前面 D.后面 [判断题]公司所属各级单位应严格落实“四个管住”(管住计划、管住队伍、管住人员、管住现场)工作要求,建立线上管控模式,强化现场安全管理,守住安全生产“生命线”。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]与地质年代中的代、纪、世相应的年代地层单位分别为()、()、()。
A. HPV-1 B. HPV-2 C. HPV-6 D. HPV-16 E. HPV-31 [多选题]接头螺栓伤损达到()程度时应及时更换。
A.螺栓折断、变形 B.严重锈蚀 C.丝扣损坏 D.杆径磨耗超过3mm不能保持规定的扭矩。 [判断题]国家标准规定:天然气低压进户的供气压力应小于20kP对.( )。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]根据《段细》规定,确认入段信号、股道号码信号、道岔开通信号、道岔表示器显示正确,厉行确认呼唤(应答),按压LKJ【出入库】键,鸣笛动车入段,严守( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]“生意兴隆通四海,财源茂盛达三江”的楹联反映的是古代()旅游活动。
A. 帝王巡游 B. 公务行游 C. 商贾周游 D. 文士漫游 [单项选择]The United Nations, notorious for endless deliberations, is trying a technological quick fix. Its Global Compact office, which promotes corporate responsibility, has embraced a once marginal social technology—the wiki—in hopes that it will help staff in 80 countries share information and reach consensus with less deliberation and more speed. The office has done this by enlisting the public in its review of progress reports from more than 2,000 companies—an effort to make sure each is complying with established social and environmental guidelines. It’s debatable whether encouraging public input is a good way to increase efficiency, but the move is the latest example of a quickly growing trend.
Wiki software—easy-to-use programs that let anyone with Internet access create, remove and edit content on a Web page—first gained popularity thanks to Wikipedia, the user-generated encyclopedia that has come to be praised as one of the Web’s greatest resources. Now the technology is increasi A. UN has gained positive results by using wiki technology. B. IBM’s adoption of wikis turns out to be a failure. C. Wiki software is changing some corporate network structure. D. Wiki websites will replace conventional websites. [名词解释]制度
A. 甘肃 B. 广东 C. 福建 D. 江西 [单项选择]出生体重1000g的早产儿,在生后10d内保暖箱温度(中性温度)以下列哪一项为最适合
A. 32℃ B. 33℃ C. 34℃ D. 35℃ E. 36℃ [单选题]滴水可以穿石。只要坚忍不拔、百折不挠,成功就一定在前方等你。说明践行社会主义核心价值观要( )。
A..勤学 B..修德 C..明辨 D..笃实 [单项选择]You slip the key into the ignition and crank the engine to life. But before you put the ear into gear, you tap a key on the keyboard mounted by the steering wheel, and your newest e-mail flashes up on the windscreen.
This seductive satyr is what you get when you cross a ear and a eomputer. Dubbed the "network vehiele", or net-mobile, it may soon come to a driveway near you ( probably the one belonging to your rich neighbor). In a net-mobile, a motorist could tap into a regional road system but also to map out a route around rush-hour traffic snags. Drivers and passengers will be able to send and receive e-mail, track the latest sports scores or stock quotes, surf the Web, and even play video games. Or so, at least, say a number of computer-industry firms such as Microsoft, Sun, IBM and Netseape. The modern car is already an electronic showcase on wheels. On-board microcomputers improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. They operate anti-lock brake systems, and on some A. calling for help if an accident triggers the airbag B. transmitting a digital signal to unlock the doors C. alerting emergency centre if the key is locked in the car D. plotting out route and alert one to traffic jams [判断题]根据投资者对风险收益的不同偏好,投资者的投资策略大致可分为保守稳健型、稳健成长型和积极成长型。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]白炽灯和曰光灯等普通灯具距易燃物的防护距离为不小于()。
A.200mm B.400mm C.300mm D.500mm [单选题]颈髓病变时会出现上肢椎体束征,也称为
A.Gordon(戈登氏征) B.Hoffmann(霍夫曼征) C.Chaddock(查多克征) D.Babinski(巴彬斯基征) E.Oppenheim(奥 [判断题]所有工作人员不许单独进入、滞留在客户高压室和室外高压设备区内。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]为了用电安全,正常电源和备用电源不能并联运行,电压值保持在相同的水平。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]下列除哪项外都属于树脂类药材
A. 乳香 B. 没药 C. 苏合香 D. 五倍子 E. 血竭 [填空题]商鞅"以刑去刑"的重刑思想,是针对儒家"()"的观点而提出的。
[单选题]在最后进近时一台发动机失效,而襟翼处于30,如果复飞的话应先使用襟翼( )。
A.襟翼1 B.襟翼15 [单选题]为了防止发生误车事故,导游人员应带团提前()到达火车站。
A.40分钟 B.60分钟 C.90分钟 D.120分钟 [单选题]在居民区处,加强线最大弛度时距地面的高度不得小于( )。
A.5m B.6m C.7m D.7.5m [单选题]列车独立EVR装置在列车什么位置?
A.TC1车CREC柜 B.MP2车SEC2L柜 C.M1车SEC2L柜 D.M2车SEC2L柜 我来回答: 提交