Astronomy has been a source for myriad
ideas influencing every subject. The stars have{{U}} (67) {{/U}}since
the dawn of man. People have looked to the{{U}} (68) {{/U}}to determine
physical location in the Earth, to{{U}} (69) {{/U}}time and to gain
spiritual direction. In early{{U}} (70) {{/U}}of the Earth, humans had
only their five senses to{{U}} (71) {{/U}}them. Venturing out at sea
would have been impossible if people had not realized that the stars stay{{U}}
(72) {{/U}}constant in position. Following the stars allowed mankind
to{{U}} (73) {{/U}}the first system for giving direction. An adventurer
could determine what direction they were facing and get a (n){{U}} (74)
{{/U}}idea about how far they had to go. Since the beginning, the stars have
been used not only{{U}} (75) {{/U}}an effective tool for people to{{U}}
(76) {{/ A. up B. with C. out D. on [判断题]重大火灾是指造成30人以上死亡,或者100人以上重伤,1亿元以上直接财产损失的火灾。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]She was so obstinate that she wouldn't adjust her opinions.
A. inflexible B. alert C. wise D. talented [多选题]对电缆接头有哪些要求()
A.良好的导电性,要与电缆本体一样,能久稳定地传输允许载流量规定的电流,且不引起局部发热 B.满足在各种状况下具有良好的绝缘结构 C.具有耐气候性 D.和防腐蚀性, [单项选择]孕妇过度通气的主要原因是
A. 横膈升高,膈肌上下活动度增加 B. 由腹式呼吸转变为胸式呼吸 C. 孕激素对呼吸中枢的刺激 D. 母体血内二氧化碳分压增高 E. 孕中期耗氧量增加30%~40% [单选题]( ),对标应急救援主力军和国家队的定位,围绕实战打赢,坚持从严从难摔打队伍。( )
A.严格练就 B.严格锻炼 C.严格训练 D.严格磨炼 [判断题]处理船舶事故,需要潜水队员下水施救时,应两人以上编组下潜,由上游向下游搜索,必要时应有保险绳进行引导和保护,到达指定位置,直接下水。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]volume 可以理解成(____) 。
A.卷 B.册 C.体积 D.容量 [单选题]下列哪种情况需发布航行通告:
A.机场附近有不影响航空器运行的临时障碍物存在 B.新导航系统实施的预报 C.计划可用新的航图的通知 D.由于跑道维修机场关闭夜航 [填空题]汽包内的汽水分离过程,一般分为两个阶段,第一阶段为()阶段;第二阶段为()阶段。
[单选题]为了细化组织,提高力学性能,改善切削加工性,常对低碳钢零件进行( )处理
A.完全退火 B.正火 C.再结晶退火 [单选题]施工预备会上,( )应对施工负责人、驻站联络员职级和培训合格证进行检查,职级不符或培训不合格不准组织施工。
A.A.主体单位负责人 B.B.配合单位负责人 C.C.协调小组组长 D.D.车站站长 [单项选择]电冰箱凝霜厚度超过()时,就需要按下温度控制中心的除霜按钮除霜。
A. 4mm B. 5mm C. 6mm D. 7mm [名词解释]教学设计
[填空题]( )以上单位组织宣誓时,通常举行迎队旗和送队旗仪式。
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