Europe is desperate to succeed in business. Two years ago, the European Union’s Lisbon summit Set a goal of becoming the world’s leading economy by 2010. But success, as any new age executive coach might tell you, requires confronting the fear of failure. That is why Europe’s approach to bankruptcy urgently needs reform.
In Europe, as in the United States, many heavily indebted companies are shutting up shop just as the economy begins to recover. Ironically, the upturn is often the moment when weak firms finally fail. But America’s failures have a big advantage over Europe’s weaklings: their country’s more relaxed approach to bankruptcy.
In the United States the Chapter 11 law makes going bust an orderly and even routine process. Firms in trouble simply apply for breathing space from creditors. Managers submit a plan of reorganization to a judge, and creditors decide whether to give it a go or to come up with one of their own. C
A. damage the creditors’ potential assets.
B. request the government’s interventions.
C. take advantage of legal procedures.
D. talk with their stern debtors abroad.
You may say that the business of marking books is going to slow down your reading. (31) probably will. That’s one of the (32) for doing it. Most of us have been taken in by the notion that speed of (33) is a measure of our intelligence. There is (34) such things as the right (35) for intelligent reading. Some things should be (36) quickly and effortlessly, and some should be read (37) and even laboriously. The sign of intelligence (38) reading is the ability to read (39) things differently according to their worth. In the (40) of good books, the point is not to see how many of them can you get through, (41) how many can you get through them—how many you can (42) your own. A few friends are (43) than a thousand acquaintances. If this be your goal, (44) it should be, you will not be impatient if it takes more time and effort to read a great book t
新世纪以来,我国政府着力推进民生建设,一系列影响中国发展全局的重大民生政策陆续出台,财政投入逐年增加。党的十七大提出,努力使全体人民学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居,推动和谐社会建设。2009年在应对国际金融危机的困难情况下,我国政府更加注重解决人民群众最关心、最直接、最现实的利益问题,中央用于保障和改善民生的财政支出明显增加,但占财政总支出比重仍然低于同等收入国家的平均水平。一些地方和部门经常会“上有政策,下有对策”,以各种名目挤占挪用改善民生的资金,政府所能提供的公共服务的质与量难以满足日益增长的民生需求。由于目前政府绩效考核指标中民生保障和改善类指标权重低,加上多数民生指标缺乏明确的量化考核标准,对地方政府难以形成硬性约束,一些地方政府仍然保持着强烈的GDP冲动,习惯于抓经济、抓速度,忽视抓社会、抓民生。政府作为主体在公共服务的供给上责无旁贷,但有些地方政府大包大揽,忽视社会力量和市场机制,不能充分满足复杂多样的民生需求。 |