Passage 4 There is nothing illogical or synthetic about the humility of great bookmen in calling attention to the limitations of the book. No book can (1) us to know everything that is to be known, or feel everything that is to be felt. A book is part of life, not a substitute (2) it. It is not a fit (3) for worship or enshrinement. It loses its charm and much of its value when accepted uncritically. No one would have been more (4) than Aristotle if he could have known of the excessive and (5) veneration that would be given to his ideas in centuries to (6) When his works became the last words of advance knowledge, such knowledge became neither advanced nor vital. The particular occasion for these remarks is that there are (7) here and there that some of us in the book world A. subject B. issue C. matter D. image [单选题]仅受对侧大脑半球支配的脑神经为( )
A.嗅神经 B.视神经 C.动眼神经 D.舌下神经 三叉神经 [判断题]体技能考核是对政府专职消防员日常训练、培训等成效的检验,是检验训练成效的重要手段。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]不支持纵隔神经源性肿瘤诊断的CT表现是()
A. 肿物位于后纵隔 B. 肿物软组织密度,低于肌肉 C. 可见邻近结构侵犯 D. 肿物内可见空洞 E. 有不同程度的增强 [单选题]对收到的查询业务,必须于第二个工作日上午12:00前查复( )
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 [单选题]办理第二台机顶盒标准版,每月需额外缴纳费用
A.10元 B.免费 C.15元 D.18元 [单选题]厦门地铁2号线受电弓弓头高度为()。
A.235mm±10mm B.430mm±5mm C.235mm±5mm D.420mm±10mm [单选题]发现中暑人员,在专业救援人员到来之前,可采取用()或酒精擦身。
A.热水 B.凉水 C.毛巾 D.纸巾 [填空题]在能量转换过程中,造成能量损失的真正原因是传热过程中( )带来的不可逆损失。
Sometimes geopolitical lessons come from the strangest places. With Eric Schmidt stepping down as CEO of Google and replaced by founder Larry Page, I can’t help but wonder if world leaders are taking note. Google perfected the horizontal business model. To the delight of enthusiasts of David Ricardo, the comparative economist, the company does one thing really well search and has built an ecosystem for others to flourish using it as a platform. [填空题]审计准则既对()提出要求,也对社会提供审计工作质量保证。
[判断题] 生产经营单位应当将安全培训工作纳入本单位年度工作计划。保证本单位安全培训工作所需资金。() *
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]在企业自行运输中,不仅要保证装卸车作业的安全运输车辆状况的安全,还要保证交通运输安全和被运机械设备的安全。重要施工机械的运输应制定安全运输方案和相应的安全措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]行车事故一般分为特别重大事故,重大事故,大事故,险性事故和一般事故五类.( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]道德与法律的关系()
A. 道德与法律的表现形式相同 B. 法律与道德一样具有多层次性 C. 道德和法律一样具有强制性 D. 道德具有稳定性,而法律随经注基础和上层建筑的改变而改变 [单项选择]()中规定了在某项仪表或设备发生故障时航空器仍可进行飞行的条件和限制.
A. AMM B. MEL C. IPC D. CMM [单选题][题号:936;鉴定点:BCA011;选择题;题分:1;难度:3;一致性:5]
精制油品酸度不合格的原因是( ) A.水洗水量小 B.碱浓度低,碱量不足 C.水洗水量大 D.进料稳定 我来回答: 提交