Morison and Philip were classmates. They lived in
the same town. After they left school, Morison became the manager(经理) of a
flower shop and Philip became a doctor in a hospital. Philip made a girlfriend. He bought a rod rose for her each day to show his love. The flowers made her very happy. Sometimes he took the rose to her himself. But when he was busy in the hospital, he asked Morison to give the rose to her instead of him. One afternoon, Philip came into the flower shop and said to Morison. "1’!1 go to another town to work today. I have no time to give the letter and the flowers to my girlfriend. Please give her the letter and twenty-four roses. " In the evening, when Morison was closing the door of the shop, Philip came. "Morison, how man [判断题]对出入境的旅客、员工个人携带的行李和物品,一律不得实施卫生处理。
A. 心脏 B. 气管 C. 肺 D. 食管 [单选题]施工现场从事危险作业职工的的意外伤害保险由( )负责办理,并支付保险费。
A. 建设单位 B. 施工单位 C. 勘察设计单位 D. 监理单位 [单选题]燃烧炉工作时,( )会对操作人员造成人身伤害。
A.正压 B.负压过小 C.负压过大 D.压力为零 [单选题]单班单司机一次乘务作业连续工作时间标准,货运列车不得超过( )小
A.8 B.10 C.14 D.17 [判断题]每组接地线及其存放位置均应编号,接地线号码与存放位置号码应一致。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]开式低压配电网典型接线方式有哪些?有何优缺点?
A. 压下量 B. 宽展量 C. 延伸量 D. 前滑值 [判断题]脚底前半部反射区相当于人体的胸部。
[单选题]病人,女性,68岁,COPD10年,急性加重入院,治疗3周好转,准备出院,医生建议病人居家氧疗,则氧疗的原则应为( )
A.白天持续吸氧 B.夜间持续吸氧 C.白天间断吸氧 D.持续高流量吸氧 E.持续低流量吸氧 [单选题]( )为主变流器控制提供同步信号、为原边电压的检测和电度表的计量提供电压输入信号的电器。
A. TV B. TA1 C.TA2 [单选题]可研阶段深度要求,未作站址比选,且未说明站址唯一性一次性扣()分。
A.4 B.3 C.2 D.1 [填空题] In most countries, the law on organ transplantation(器官移植) is poorly defined. The existing framework 【B1】 to physical assault and care of the dead has no 【B2】 for organ transplantation. It is 【B3】 to get the permission of the relatives, 【B4】 because organ 【B5】 must take place immediately after death, it may be impossible to reach the relatives 【B6】 time. It has been suggested that there should be a widespread campaign to encourage persons to 【B7】 in their wills that their organs be used for transplantation. An 【B8】 is to provide by law that permission is 【B9】 unless removal has been forbidden by the individual in his lifetime. It is, of course, important that there 【B10】 public reassurance that consideration of transplantation would not 【B11】 normal resuscitative(抢救的) efforts of the 【B12】 donor. Transplantation has obviously 【B13】 important ethical considerations 【B14】 the diagnosis of death. Every effort must be made to 【B15】 the heartbeat to someone who has a sudden cardiac arrest
A. A.on D.beyond [单选题]中国经学,假使我们慎重点说,上追到西汉初年为止,也已经有二千一百多年的历史。这二千多年中,经部书籍,因为传统的因袭的思想关系,只就量说,也可以配得说“_________”。不说别的,我们只要一看纳兰性德汇刊的《通志堂经解》,阮元、王先谦汇刊的《正、续清经解》,也几乎使你目眩;至若列举朱彝尊《经义考》的书目,那真所谓“___________”了。
A.汗牛充栋 更仆难数 B.罄竹难书 博大精深 C.不胜枚举 洋洋大观 D.数不胜数 望洋兴叹 [单项选择]子弹组合是否能够优于两极组合将取决于收益率曲线的()。
A. 弧度 B. 斜率 C. 凸性 D. 高度 [单选题]下列有关结构动力特性的说法中哪一项是正确的?
A.在振源的作用下产生的 B.与外荷载无关 C.可以用静力试验法测定 D.可以按结构动力学的理论精确计算 [多选题]冷箱开车具备的条件有()。
A.系统置换氧含量合格 B.系统干燥合格 C.乙烯精馏塔全回流 D.丙烯精馏塔全回流 [判断题]GPS时是由GPS星载原子钟和地面监控站原子钟组成的一种原子时系统。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]何谓砂轮硬度?它与磨粒的硬度是否是一回事?如何选择砂轮硬度?砂轮硬度选择不当会出现什么弊病?
A. i度房室传导阻滞 B. 室性早搏r落在t上 C. 室性早搏呈联律出现 D. 短阵室性心动过速 E. 心室颤动 [多项选择]市政绩效管理的评估方法主要有()
A. 平衡计分法 B. 指标体系法 C. 主观评估法 D. 客观评估法 E. 目标管理法 [单选题]镀锌钢丝绳的特点有()。
A.防生锈和腐蚀 B.强度加强 C.不用于摩擦提升 [简答题]以埃德加斯诺为例,简述早期外国记者对中国社会的客观报道及其积极作用。
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