World leaders met recently at United
Nations headquarters in New York City to discuss the environmental issues raised
at the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. The heads of state were supposed to decide what
further steps should be taken to halt the decline of Earth’s life-support
systems. In fact, this meeting had much the flavour of the original Earth
Summit. To wit: empty promises, hollow rhetoric, bickering between rich and
poor, and irrelevant initiatives. Think U. S. Congress in slow motion. Almost obscured by this torpor is the fact that there has been some remarkable progress over the past five years--real changes in the attitude of ordinary people in the Third World toward family size and a dawning realization that environmental degradation and their own well-being are intimately, and inversely, linked. Almost none of this, h A. As the UN hesitates, the poor take action. B. Progress in environmental protection has been made since the Rio Summit. C. Climate changes can no longer be ignored. D. The decline of earth’s life-support systems has been halted. [单选题]城市房屋白蚁防治管理,是指对( )等房屋的白蚁预防和对原有房屋的白蚁检查与灭治的管
A.①③④ B.①②③ C.②③④ D.①②③④ [单选题]有关直肠癌,下列哪项是错误的 ( )
A.发生率甚高 B.多见于壶腹部 C.约 2/3 以上发生在腹膜反折 以下 D.女性多于男性 E.发病年龄多在 40 岁以上 [单项选择]谷丙转氨酶不是()
A. GPT B. ALT C. AST D. 丙氨酸氨基转移酶 E. 谷氨酸丙酮酸转移酶 [多选题]糖化堆要求做到每排糟醅上堆( )丢堆后堆顶呈平顶。
A.厚薄均匀 B.无灰包 C.无糟团 D.无杂质 [单选题]我国电力系统中性点常用的接地方式有三种,分别是中性点()。
A.不接地方式、经消弧线圈接地方式和经大电抗器接地方式 B.直接接地方式、不接地方式和经大电抗器接地方式 C.直接接地方式、经消弧线圈接地方式和不接地方式 D.直流接地方式、经消弧线圈接地方式和经大电抗器接地方式 [多选题]不得随意中途召回探亲(休假)人员,因工作需要中途召回的,剩余探亲(休假)时间应当();对确因工作需要,未休或未休满假期的,应按规定( )。
A.安排补休 B.予以经济补偿 C.不用补休 D.不用补偿 [单项选择]下列哪种是非必需氨基酸
A. 苯丙氨酸 B. 赖氨酸 C. 酪氨酸 D. 亮氨酸 E. 蛋(甲硫)氨酸 [单选题]35kV环网电缆在支架上呈( )排列。
A.一字形 B.品字形 C.无要求 D.自然排放 [判断题]Windows中不允许使用同名文件和文件夹。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Most Americans would agree, one of the United States’ most pressing social problems is the breakdown of the two-parent family. Today, millions of American children grow up without fathers, often in poverty. Too often, these children lack the love and guidance they desperately need -- and which they would ordinarily receive from two responsible parents. Traditionally, American parents have placed the needs of their children above their own, often delaying their own gratification (享受) or sacrificing material comforts in the interests of their children’s future. At present, however, nearly one half of all new marriages end in divorce, with often troubling consequences for the children involved. Worse, every year, thousands of teenage, unmarried Americans become mothers outside the context of wedlock (婚姻) altogether, with generally disastrous results for the mothers and children alike and for American society more generally. In refreshing contrast, Chinese continue to val
A. The breakdown of the two-parent family in the United States B. The Chinese marriage is a good example for Americans C. The influence of divorce over children D. The necessity for parents to place the needs of their children above their own [判断题]建筑详图中的构配件详图是表达楼梯、栏杆、扶手、花格等构造做法的图样。
A. 脂蛋白脂肪酶 B. 卵磷脂胆固醇酰基转移酶 C. 肝脂肪酶 D. 胰脂酶 E. 所有酯酶 [多项选择]若错接发生在同一家旅行社接待的两个旅游团时,两个导游同是地陪则应采取下列( )的做法。
A. 将错就错 B. 报告领导 C. 必须交换 D. 诚恳道歉,求得游客谅解 [填空题] 铁路机车车辆在运行过程中与行人、 机动车、、非机动车、 牲畜及其他障碍物相撞或者铁路机车车辆发生( )、( )、( )、( )等影响铁路正常行车的铁路交通事故的应急救援和调查处理适用《铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例》。
A.急性胃炎 B.自身免疫性胃炎 C.胃溃疡 D.十二指肠溃疡 E.胃癌 [简答题]何谓筛选?
A. 火嘴堵塞 B. 炉膛抽力太小 C. 瓦斯含量低于90% D. 瓦斯压力低 [判断题]维修作业中,对桥头、道口、接头等薄弱处所应加强捣固。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]下列临床表现中可作为观察类风湿关节炎活动性的指标的是 ( )8-249
A.关节疼痛、压痛及肿胀 B.关节畸形 C.关节功能障碍 D.晨僵 [单项选择]保持安全值班的目的包括:Ⅰ、避免船舶发生碰撞事故Ⅱ、避免船舶发生火灾Ⅲ、避免船舶污染环境()
A. Ⅰ B. Ⅱ、Ⅲ C. Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ D. Ⅰ、Ⅲ [单选题]1551 电压质量包含( )、电压允许波动与闪变、三相电压允许不平衡度等内容。
A.电流允许偏差 B.电压允许偏差 C.电阻允许偏差 [单选题]9号线列车ATP模式通过地下段车站时限制速度为( )km/h。
A.A.40 B.B.45 C.C.60 D.D.80 我来回答: 提交