Mysterious Nazca Drawings{{/B}} One of the most mysterious archaeological spectacles in the world is the immense complex of geometrical symbols, giant ground-drawings of birds and animals, and hundreds of long, ruler-straight lines, some right across mountains, which stretch over 1,200 square miles of the Peruvian tablelands, at Nazca. Nazca was first revealed to modern eyes in 1926 when three explorers looked down on the desert from a hillside at dusk and briefly saw a Nazca line highlighted by the rays of the sun. But it was not until the Peruvian airforce took aerial photographs in the 1940s that the full magnificence of the panorama was apparent. Hundreds of what looked like landing strips for aircraft were revealed. There were eighteen bird-like drawings, up to 400 feet long, A. the designs could be seen from the air B. the ancient people had learned to fly by accident C. the ancient people were clever and had learned to fly D. Nazca had been designed to help people fly [单选题]建设工程组织流水施工时,用来表达流水施工在施工工艺方面进展状态的参数之
一是( )。
A.流水段 B.流水强度 C.流水节拍 D.流水步距 [单选题]桔梗除祛痰排脓外,又能( )。
A. 消肿散结 B.宣散风热 C. 平肝镇惊 D.宣肺利咽 [单选题]经济舱洗手间卫生:按照洗手间卫生清理的‗‗‗‗‗‗个节点确认洗手间卫生状况,并落实2-3人次或每‗‗‗‗‗‗分钟清洁打扫
A.5、 30 B.6、 20 C.4、 15 D.6、 15 [多选题]下列哪些行为是违反《保险法》的行为
A.欺骗被保人、被保险人或者受益人 B.对投保人隐瞒与保险合同有关的重要情况 C.挪用 截留 侵占保险费 D.泄露在业务活动中知悉的投保人 被保险人的商业秘密 [多选题]对于客户不配合签字、阻挠检查或威胁检查人员人身安全的,须现场提请(____)等依法查处,并配合做好取证工作。
A.电力管理部门 B.公安部门 C.发改局 D.市场监督局 [单项选择]绞窄性肠梗阻是指肠梗阻并伴有
A. 肠壁血运障碍 B. 肠系膜扭转 C. 肠腔高度扩张 D. 肠壁穿孔、坏死 E. 肠袢两端均完全阻塞 [单项选择]200km/h动车组上有两个中压接触器箱的车为()
A. TP B. M2 C. T2 D. TPB [判断题]合力可以大于等于两力中的任一个力,也可以小于任一个力。当两力大小 一定时,合力随两力夹角的增大而减小,随两力夹角的减小而增大。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]患者女,38岁,子宫肌瘤切除术后,静脉PCA持续使用中。针对这种情况,应向患者及其家属进行的健康教育有(提示患者及其家属害怕使用镇痛药后会成瘾,拒绝使用镇痛药物。)()
A. 告知疼痛对机体可能产生的不利影响 B. 强调患者有权享受术后无痛经历 C. 告知镇痛药物的作用、效果和不良反应 D. 说明何时表达及如何表达疼痛反应 E. 介绍自我解痛方法 F. 告知患者术后疼痛是难免的,应该忍着 [简答题]社会主义社会存在商品经济的原因是什么?
[判断题]( )道德评价是靠专门的机构对人们的行为进行善恶评价。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]西北工业大学拥有()个一级国家重点学科
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 我来回答: 提交