Although interior design has existed since the beginning of architecture, its development (21) a specialized field is really quite recent. Interior designers have become (22) partly because of the many functions that might be (23) in a single large building. There might be stores, theatres, restaurants, and other (24) on the main floor or lower floors of building, while the upper floors might have hotel rooms, apartments, or business offices for many (25) kinds of companies.
The importance of interior design becomes (26) when we realize how much time we spend in places surrounded by four walls. Whether we need to be (27) , we want our surroundings to be as attractive and comfortable as possible. We also expect each place to be appropriate (28) its use. You would be shocked if the (29) of your bedroom was suddenly changed to look like that (30) a restaurant. And you (31) feel
A. element
B. concern
C. need
D. step
A factory that makes uranium fuel for
nuclear reactors had a spill so bad it kept the plant closed for seven months
last year and became one of only three events in all of 2006 serious enough for
the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to include in an annual report to Congress.
After an investigation, the commission changed the terms of the factory’s
license and said the public had 20 days to request a hearing on the
changes. But no member of the public ever did. In fact, no member of the public could find out about the changes. The document describing them, including the notice of hearing rights for anyone who felt adversely affected, was stamped "official use o A. Because the general public often show no interest in such matters. B. Because the hearing rights of the public are adversely affected. C. Because the public has stamped the documents "official use only". D. Because the public are not aware of the changes in the first place. [单项选择]淋病治疗原则叙述不恰当的是()
A. 及时、足量、规则用药 B. 首选第三代头孢类抗生素 C. 治疗后无需进行随访 D. 一般应同时用抗沙眼衣原体药物,如顿服阿奇霉素1g E. 性伴侣也应接受检查及治疗 [单选题]检修设备停电,可能来电侧的刀闸操作把手必须( ),确保不会误送电。
A.悬挂标示牌 B.锁住 [单选题]‑年9月甲公司作为受托方签订技术开发合同一份,合同约定技术开发金额共计1000万元,其中研究开发费用与报酬金额之比为4:1。另外,作为承包方签订建筑安装工程承包合同一份,承包总金额300万元,将其中的100万元工程分包给另一单位,并签订分包合同。甲公司2011年9月应缴纳印花税()元。
A.1500 B.1800 C.2600 D.3000 [单项选择]在无时间坐标的网络图中,箭线的长度( )。
A. 原则上可以任意画 B. 考量具体情况而定 C. 根据完成该工作所需持续时间的长短按比例绘制 D. 根据完成该工作所需时间的长短绘制 [单项选择]患者,男性,25岁。当得知自己被确诊为甲状腺癌早期时,情绪失控,放声痛哭。护士关心地问:“有什么跟我说说好吗?我帮你开导开导。”但患者表示不愿与人交流,之后几天患者非常消沉,常独自落泪。护士不能与患者进行深入的交流,目前影响护患沟通的核心问题是患者的()
A. 个性 B. 家庭关系 C. 社会地位 D. 对护士的信任程度 E. 情绪 [单选题]华为等级保护解决方案设计思想为“一个中心管理下的三重防护” 体系, 那么其中的一个 中心和三重防护分别指什么
A.一个中心指安全管理中心. 三重防护分别指网络安全、 主机安全、 应用安全 B.一个中心指安全管理中心. 三重防护分别指安全通信网络、 安全区域边界、安全计算环境 C.一个中心指安全计算中心. 三重防护分别指安全通信网络、 安全区域边界、安全运营管 理 D.一个中心指安全数据中心. 三重防护分别指安全通信网络、 安全区域边界、 安全运营管 理 [单项选择]我国法律规定,我国签订的涉外经济合同,必须以______订立,否则无效。
A. 口头形式 B. 书面形式 C. 以行为表示 D. 以口头形式或书面形式 [单选题]( )是指悬浮于空气中的可燃粉尘触及明火或电火花等火源时发生的化学爆炸。
A. 炸药爆炸 B. 可燃气体爆炸 C. 可燃粉尘爆炸 D. 压力容器爆炸 [判断题]娱乐场所通常人流密度较大、功能复杂、建筑结构多样,火灾荷载大,发生火灾时火势发展蔓延速度快、建筑结构易倒塌、易造成大量人员伤亡、火灾扑救条件差。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]拆除作业必须由上而下逐层进行,严禁上、下同时作业。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]美国斯达西、亚当斯于1965年提出的公平理论,又称为()
A. 社会比较理论 B. 期望论 C. 归因论 D. 强化论 E. E双因素论 [单项选择]下列关于决策支持系统和管理信息系统之间的比较,不正确的是
A. MIS支持结构化决策和半结构化决策,DSS支持非结构化决策 B. MIS是由信息驱动的,DSS是由模型驱动的 C. MIS信息的来源主要在组织内部,DSS信息的来源大多数是组织外部的、私人性的和临时的 D. DSS依赖于MIS提供信息 [单项选择]The rate at which man has been storing up useful knowledge about himself and the universe has been spiraling upward for 10,000 years.
The (21) took a sharp upward leap with the invention of writing, but even (22) it remained painfully slow over centuries of time. The next great leap forward (23) knowledge acquisition did not occur (24) the invention of movable type in the 15th century by Gutenberg and others. (25) to 1500, by the most optimistic (26) Europe was producing books at a rate of 1,000 titles per year. This means that it (27) a full century to produce a library of 100,000 titles. By 1950, four and a half (28) later, the rate had accelerated so sharply that Europe was producing 120,000 titles a year. (29) once took a century now took only ten months. By 1960, a (30) decade later, the rate had made another significant jump, (31) a century’s work could A. As B. Due C. Prior D. Next [判断题]《山东省农村商业银行小微企业贷款尽职免责实施细则》中规定,贷款发放与支付审核人员可以不再对借款人贷款用途、支付方式、交易对手资料等审核。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]性早熟肝郁化火证治疗首选方是()。
A. 八正散 B. 金匮肾气丸 C. 六味地黄丸 D. 知柏地黄丸 E. 丹栀逍遥散 [判断题]立管压力表安装位置及表盘朝向应符合人机工程学原理,便于外钳工观察( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交