Economists believe that investors are
rational, and that stock prices are therefore unpredictable. It sounds peculiar,
but the logic is ironclad. Rational investors would take into account everything they know when buying or selling stock — all the information available about where profits, interest rates, technology and so on are going. So stock prices would reflect all available knowledge, and would change only when new information came in. And new information is, by definition, unpredictable, which means that changes in stock prices would be unpredictable, too. But investors, being human, are driven by fear, greed and the madness of crowds. In principle this should create patterns in stock prices, and in principle you can use those patterns to outperform the market. But while it may be very hard to tell whether the mar A. delighted in. B. surprised by. C. convinced by. D. doubtful about. [判断题]动车组以外的列车中相互连挂的车钩中心水平线的高度差,不得超过100mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]代理报检单位在办理代理报检业务时,无须向检验检疫机构提供委托书。( )
A. 兴趣 B. 智慧 C. 体验 D. 感受 E. 欣赏 [单项选择]血碳氧血红蛋白浓度达30%~40%,属于()。
A. 轻度中毒 B. 中度中毒 C. 重度中毒 D. 没有中毒 E. 不确定 [判断题]洗衣粉标准GB/T13171.2-2009中规定污布的去污力必须大于标准粉去污力?
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]关门车编入货物列车时,不得挂于机车后部()辆车之内。
A.一 B.两 C.三 [判断题]( )防松螺母的上螺母(凸锥螺母)为拧紧螺母,下螺母(凹锥螺母)为防松螺母。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]A.甲酸
A.甲苯 B.苯胺 C.三硝基甲苯 D.硝基苯 E.主要可引起高铁血红蛋白血症的是 [判断题]修改对公活期账户的利率浮动比,应经有权人同意,在利率浮动值允许范围内设定,且只能在账户开户机构办理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]革兰阴性菌经溶菌酶处理后,形成细菌L型称为
A.原生质体 B.原生质球 C.细菌L型 D.油煎蛋样微小菌落 E.革兰染色呈现多形性 [单选题]前牙PFM全冠牙体预备时,唇面颈部边缘形式下列哪项是不正确的( )
A.直角肩台 B.斜面肩台 C.小于90°肩台 D.浅凹形 E.浅凹-斜面形 [判断题]顺德是水乡之都,其中著名的逢简水乡位于顺德勒流镇。
[单选题]消防救援人员( )人以上共同违法违纪,根据各自在违法违纪行为中所起的作用和应当承担的法纪责任,分别给予处分。( )
A.一 B.二 C.三 D.四 [单项选择]口腔颌面部发育中发生融合的部位是()
A. 两侧侧腭突与前腭突 B. 两侧侧腭突与鼻中隔 C. 两侧前腭突与鼻中隔 D. 两侧上颌突与球状突 E. 两侧上颌突与中鼻突 [单选题]“计算机辅助( ) ”的英文缩写为CAM。
A.制造 B.设计 D.教学 [多项选择]下列各项中,属于社会政策的社会功能的有()
A. 社会投资 B. 社会管理 C. 收入再分配 D. 调节利益矛盾 我来回答: 提交