{{B}}Questions 6~10 {{/B}} There has been much hullabaloo about corporate accounting scams in America, yet perhaps the biggest accounting oversight of all time remains hidden in governments’ own national figures. GDP per head is the most commonly used measure of a country’s success, yet it is badly flawed as a guide to a nation’s economic well-being. A new study in the OECD’s 2006 "Going for Growth" report considers some alternatives. Economists spend much time discussing how to boost GDP growth. The OECD itself drew attention this week to the widening gap between American’ s and Europe’s GDP per head. Yet a nation’s well-being depends on many factors ignored by GDP, such as leisure time, income inequality and the quality of the environment. GDP was developed primarily as a planning tool to guide the huge production effort of the Second World A. (A) It is the origin of the majority of corporate accounting scams in America. B. (B) It is manipulated by the government to mislead the public regarding the country’s economic performances. C. (C) It is the most commonly used measure of a country’s success in economic terms. D. (D) Its adoption as a guide to a nation’s economic well-being is not well-grounded. [单选题]《国家电网公司关于印发“深化基建队伍改革、强化施工安全管理”有关配套政策的通知》规定,12项配套政策目的是有针对性地解决业主单位“()”。
A.形同虚设 B.层层衰减 C.散兵作战 D.以包代管 E.略 F.略 [判断题]中山农商行会计核算应以收付实现制为基础。
A.正确 B.错误 [不定项选择题]What can be done about mass unemployment All the wise heads agree:there’re no quick or any answers.There’s work to be done,but workers aren’t ready to do it.They’re in the wrong places,or they have the wrong skills.Our problem are
“structural,”and will take many years to solve.
But don’t bother asking for evidence that justifies this bleak view.There isn’t any.On the contrary,all the facts suggest
that high unemployment in America is the result of inadequate demand.Saying that there’re no easy answers sounds wise,
but it’s actually foolish:our unemployment crisis could be cured very quickly if we had the intellectual clarity and political will
to act.In other words,structural unemployment is a fake problem,which mainly serves as an excuse for not pursuing real
solutions.The fact is job openings have plunged in every major sector,while the number of workers forced into part-time
employment in almost all industries has soared.Unemployment has surged in every major occupational category.Only three
states,with a combined population not much larger than that of Brooklyn,have unemployment rates below 5%.So the
evidence contradicts the claim that we’re mainly suffering from structural unemployment.Why,then,has this claim become so popular
Part of the answer is that this is what always happens during periods of high unemployment-in part because experts and analysts believe that declaring the problem the problem deeply rooted,with no easy answers,makes them sound serious.I’ve been looking at what self-proclaimed experts were saying about unemployment during the Great Depression;it was almost
identical to what Very Serious People are saying now.Unemployment cannot be brought down rapidly,declared one 1935
analysis,because the workforce is“unadaptable and untrained”.I cannot respond to the opportunities which industry may
offer.A few years later,a large defense buildup finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequate to the economy’s needs an
D.suddenly industry was eager to employ those“unadaptable and untrained”workers.But now,as then,powerful forces are
ideologically opposed to the whole idea of government action on a sufficient scale to jump-start the economy.And that,
fundamentally,is why claims that we face huge structural problems have been multiplying:they offer a reason to do nothing
about the mass unemployment that is crippling our economy and our society.
So what you need to know is that there's no evidence whatsoever to back these claims.We aren't suffering from a
shortage of needed skills;we’re suffering from a lack of policy resolve.As I said,structural unemployment isn’t real problem,
it's an excuse-a reason not to act on America’s problems at a time when action is desperately needed.
What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage 《》()
A.To testify to the experts’analysis of America’s problems. B.To offer a feasible solution to the structural unemployment. C.To show the urgent need for the government to take action. D.To alert American workers to the urgency for adaptation. [单选题]在延时精度要求不高,电源电压波动较大的场合,应选用( )。
A.空气阻尼式时间继电器 B.晶体管式时间继电器 C.电动式时间继电器 D.电磁式时间继电器 [多选题]对CPU处理技术描述正确是。
A.多线程 B.多核心 C.对称多处理结构 D.多片处理结构 [单选题]根据欧洲中央银行公布的信息,第 2 版欧元与第 1 版欧元相比()
A.图样和主色调相同,票幅不同 B.图样不同,主色调相同,票幅不同 C.图样,主色调和票幅相同 D.图样相同,主色调和票幅不同 [多项选择]关于双手Ⅲ度烧伤创面的处理,叙述正确的是()
A. 全身情况允许的条件下,争取早期切痂 B. 早期术中彻底清除坏死末节指端及变性的肌腱 C. 切痂后创面移植中厚皮片 D. 尽量移植整张自体皮 E. 尽量选用皮瓣移植 [单选题]禁止带负荷断、接导线。
A.正确 B.错误 C. D. E.略 F.略 [填空题]CCM-E中文含义:() 。
[单选题]配筋砌体工程中构造柱与墙体的连接,墙体应砌成马牙槎,马牙槎凹凸尺寸不宜小于60mm,高度不应超过( )。
A.200mm B.250mm C.300mm D.350mm [单选题]四极三相异步电动机定子绕组并联支路数为( )。
A.1或2 B.3或4 C.12 D.8 [单选题]细菌在人体定植的条件,包括适宜的环境、相当的细菌数量以及
A.移位途径 B.细菌具有黏附力 C.细菌具有毒力 D.机体免疫能力降低 E.细菌易位 [多选题]()停电检修,无法装设接地线时,应采取绝缘遮蔽或其他可靠隔离措施。
A.低压配电设备 B.配电变压器 C.高压架空线路 D.低压电缆 E.集束导线 [多选题]汽车空调的诊断参数有( )。
A.风量 B.温度 C.湿度 D.压力 E.清洁度 [判断题]在柴油机配气机构中,凸轮轴在曲轴的的驱动下,以等于曲轴的转速转动,实现进、排气门的关闭。
[简答题](7945)油水分离器的功能是什么? (1.0分)
[单选题]( )是干料泡发的基本方法。
A.水发 B.油发 C.碱发 D.盐发 [单选题]对硬度较大,形变硬化较强的金属,其伸出长度通常等于或大于工件的直径或厚度,需要()。
A.多次顶锻才能焊成 B.一次顶锻焊成 C.二次 [单选题]261.检修后及停电超过()以上的电动机,启动前应测量其绝缘电阻是否合格.
A.A.5天: B.B.7天; C.C. 15天; D.D. 30天。 [判断题]经济资本是指商业银行在一定的置信水平下,为了应对未来一定期限内资产的非预期损失而应该持有的资本金。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]有关烤瓷合金要求的说法中不正确的是()
A. 较高的硬度 B. 较高的弹性模量 C. 良好的湿润性 D. 良好的铸造性能 E. 熔点低于烤瓷粉熔点 [单选题]不属于内分泌腺的是( )
A.甲状腺 B.胰腺 C.垂体 D.肾上腺 E.甲状旁腺 [简答题]站台门和列车之间安装光源发射器和安全挡板,可有效防止乘客被夹伤。
A.脂蛋白 B.过路蛋白 C.清蛋白 D.免疫球蛋白 E.胶体渗透压的维持主要依赖( ) [单选题]下列关于机油使用错误的是( )。(中)
A.等级较高的机油可以替代等级较低的机油 B.应尽量使用多级油 C.机油粘度应尽可能小些 D.汽油机油也能用于柴油机 [单选题]塔式起重机主要由()组成。
A.基础、塔身和塔臂 B.基础、架体和提升机构 C.金属结构、提升机构和安全保护装置 D.金属结构、工作机构、安全装置和控制系统 [单选题]消防员参加抢险救援战斗时,应根据灾害事故性质和(),按照防护等级佩戴相应特种防护装备。
A.危险特性 B.事故等级 C.灾害特点 D.危险系数 我来回答: 提交