Uganda Uganda is in the central part of Africa, near the equator. It became independent in 1962. Until then it had been a British protectorate. The area of Uganda is 93,981 square miles. About ten million people live there. Uganda is a land of mountains, lakes and plains. Mount Ruwenzori is in a mountain range with peaks above 16,700 feet. The chief rivers are the Victoria Nile and Albert Nile, branches of the great Nile River. Almost all the people of Uganda are African black people of various tribes. The Bugandas are most powerful and their language is semi-official, but there are more Bantus— the people who live in the north from another group. Nearly everyone understands the Swahili language. Most of the people are farmers. There are some wandering tribes [单项选择]目前,海南公路密度是全国平均水平的4倍,形成了( )公路网,基本实现( )的目标。
A. 三纵四横 村村通公路 B. 两纵三横 村村通公路 C. 三纵三横 乡乡通公路 D. 两纵四横 乡乡通公路 [多选题]电力需求响应持续研究并不断完善技术与标准体系工作有哪些()
A.A、完善需求响应标准体系; B.研究设计空调接口标准方案与推广路径; C.开展核心科技创新攻关; D.各省市自由发挥 [多项选择]根据《企业破产法》的规定,人民法院受理破产申请后发生的下列债务中,属于共益债务的有( )。
A. 因管理人或者债务人请求对方当事人履行双方均未履行完毕的合同所产生的债务 B. 债务人财产受无因管理所产生的债务 C. 管理人或者相关人员执行职务致人损害所产生的债务 D. 债务人财产致人损害所产生的债务 [多选题]安全生产检查的工作程序包括( )
A.安全检查准备 B. .报告检查结果 C.通过分析做出判断 D.实施安全检查 E.及时做出决定进行处理 [判断题]引导信号的显示地点是来车方向站台门端门外。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]作业人员应站在有限空间外上风侧进行检测,按照( )的顺序进行。
A.由下至上、由近至远 B.由上至下、由近至远 C.由上至下、由远至近 [多项选择]下列对于雌激素的生理作用,描述正确的是()
A. 促进水钠潴留 B. 促进子宫发育 C. 促进骨钙沉积 D. 促进输卵管发育 E. 促进阴道上皮细胞增生 [单选题]CDZ53登高平台消防车整机液压系统在四个水平腿外伸的油路中设有溢流阀,溢流阀的调定压力为( )bar。( )
A.100 B.70 C.150 D.200 我来回答: 提交