"$ 160 for a parking ticket! I’m
calling city hall about this. There must be some mistake." Nick thought{{U}}
(36) {{/U}}. "Yes, sir, there is a mistake," said the man at the city
hall," {{U}} (37) {{/U}}I’m afraid the mistake’s {{U}} (38)
{{/U}}. This ticket was for $20. However, the fine doubles every 30 days. It
has been 90 days, so the{{U}} (39) {{/U}}is now $160. You will have to
pay that." Nick had the $20 and he{{U}} (40) {{/U}}to pay the fine. But
for some reason the ticket had gotten{{U}} (41) {{/U}}in his pile of
papers and unopened letters. Nick had always been a {{U}} (42) {{/U}}person. In the past six months, he had{{U}} (43) {{/U}}to pay his electricity bill, {{U}} (44) {{/U}}his jacket at the cleaner’s too {{U}} (45) {{/U}}and had to pay for the "storage". A A. fairer B. easier C. better D. happier [单项选择]患者在他人没有身体接触的情况下帮助完成穿戴矫形器FIM评分为()
A. 7分 B. 5分 C. 4分 D. 3分 E. 2分 [判断题]客户盈利分析模式摒弃了“成本导向”的定价思想,树立了“以客户为中心”的经营理念。
[判断题] 列车总风压力低于550kPa会产生紧急制动。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]11月2日至11月10日,某110kV地铁轨道变单回线路检修,仅由另一回线路110kV某A线单供运行。11月8日,110kV某A线线路故障跳闸,造成110kV地铁轨道变电网侧供电全部中断,根据《国家电网有限公司安全事故调查规程》(国家电网安监〔2020〕820号),该起事件为五级电网事件。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]让病人采取舒适卧位或坐位,利于暴露创口,冬天应注意保暖。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]钻井作业现场( )临时用电设备和线路应由持有有效电工作业证的电工进行操作
A.安装 B.检查 C.维修 D.拆除 [单选题](2017年) 刘先生失业后,一家人依靠“低保金”生活,为鼓励刘先生一家,社会工作者小候做了下列工作,与刘先生和刘太太进行了面谈,询问他们失业后的生活情况,倾听他们对目前生活处境的感受,了解刘先生和刘太太的教育背景,专长和再就业经历,向居委会和刘先生的邻居了解其与邻里的关系。这些是社会工作者服务过程中()阶段应完成的任务。
A.结案 B.预估 C.计划 D.介入 [单项选择] Robots at Work
The newspaper production process has come a (0) way from the old days when the paper was written, edited, typeset and ultimately printed in one building with the journalists working on the upper floors and the printing (19) going on the ground floor. These days the editors, sub-editors and journalists who put the paper together are (20) to find themselves in a totally different building or maybe even in a different city. This is the (21) which now prevails in Sydney. The daily paper is complied at the editorial headquarters, known as the pre-press centre, in the heart of the city but printed far away in the suburbs at the printing centre. Her human beings are in the (22) as much of the work is done by automated machines controlled by computers.
(23) the finished newspaper has been created for the next morning’’s edition, all the pages are (24) electronically from pre-press centre to the printing centre. The system of transmission
A. played B. powered C. brought D. transmitted [判断题]在小电流、低电压的电路中,隔离开关具有一定的自然灭弧能力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]多选题:二号线IG-541管网气体灭火系统保护房间有( )。
A.通号电缆间 B.低压变电所 C.公安消防设备室 D.站台门设备室 [单选题]混合气体中每一组份可以被溶解吸收的程度,取决于( )。
A.气体中该组份的分压 B.溶液中该组份的平衡分压 C.既取决于A,亦取决于B D.与A.B无关 [多选题] 轴封供汽投入前的准备:( )
A.检查汽轮机盘车已经投入正常。 B.检查凝结水系统、循环水系统投运正常。 C. 检查辅助蒸汽联箱运行正常。 D.关闭各压力调节站调门,开启调节站前供汽管道疏水门,开启轴封汽源供汽门,疏水暖管至供汽管道蒸汽处于过热状态。 [多选题]北美自由贸易区成员包括( )。
A.美国 B.加拿大 C.墨西哥 D.澳大利亚 [单选题]中毒患者洗胃没有洗⼲净易发⽣治疗后反跳现象的是
( ) A.重⾦属中毒 B.⼀氧化碳中毒 C.⼆氧化碳中毒 D.有机磷杀⾍药中毒 E.急性酒精中毒 [单项选择]I would like to apply for the post of Personnel Officer with this Bank, as advertised in the Doily News on 8 October.
I hove a BA in French from the University of London. I am following a port- time course in Personnel Management at the Oxford College of Management, and I hope to pass the Diploma in Personnel Management at the end of December. When I left university, I worked for a year In a computer company near Cambridge. Then I moved bock to London to work as a French teacher in a large school, where I stayed for two years. During this time, I did some port-time work as a language trainer with factory managers, which I very much enjoyed. Three years ago, I Joined Carter’s Bank, where for the past year I have worked as Assistant Personnel Officer, dealing mainly with complaints from members of staff. Having worked in a similar organisation to yours, I feel I am fully prepared for the challenges of this job. Yours faithfu A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn’t say [单项选择]监理工程师对施工图审核的重点是( )。
A. 投资是否得到满足 B. 进度是否得到满足 C. 使用功能及质量要求是否得到满足 D. 是否满足施工单位的施工技术要求 [单选题]制作番茄焗鱼片要把番茄( ) 。
A.切成小片 B.切成角 C.切成大片 D.切成小丁 [简答题]飞机靠什么来保证其纵向、方向和横侧向稳定性?
[判断题]GB/T14405-1993《通用桥式起重机》规定,进入起重机的门和司机室桥架上的门,必须设有电气连锁保护装置,当任何一个门开时,起重机所有机构应均不能工作( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]随着全面深化改革向纵深推进,我国国家制度和国 家治理体系必将在国际竞争中赢得更大的比较优势,展现 出更为旺盛的生机活力。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]()指公司控股股东、实际控制人、董事、监事、高级管理人员与其直接或间接控制的企业之间的关系以及可能导致公司利益转移的其他关系。
A.直接关系 B.间接关系 C.关联关系 D.以上都不对 [单项选择]
买卖双方签订一份3个月后交割一揽子股票组合的远期合约,该一揽子股票组合与香港恒生指数构成完全对应,现在市场价值为75万港元,即对应于恒生指数15000点(恒指期货合约的乘数为50港元)。假定市场年利率为6%,且预计一个月后可收到5000元现金红利。 该远期合约的理论价格是()。A. 11250港元 B. 5050港元 C. 6200港元 D. 756200港元 我来回答: 提交