One of the most widely discussed
subjects these days is energy crisis. Automobile drivers cannot get gasoline;
homeowners may not get enough heating oil; factories are (56)
by a fuel shortage. The crisis has (57) questions about the large oil companies and windfall (58) . Critics of the oil industry charge that the major companies are getting richer because of the oil shortage. Shortage, of course, drives prices up. As oil prices rise, the critics say, the oil companies will make more money (windfall profits) without doing a thing to (59) the extra cash. "Windfall" profits are sudden unearned profits-profits made (60) luck, or some special turn of events. The word itself tells what "windfall" means-- something blown down by the wind, such as trees, or fruit (61) from trees. But the word has ta A. suggest B. confirm C. realize D. complain [单选题]患者女,38岁。每次餐后30~60分钟上腹部有烧灼感,持续1~2小时,此腹痛特点应考虑是
A.慢性胃炎 B.食管炎 C.胃溃疡 D.十二指肠溃疡 E.胰腺炎 [简答题]简述乳腺癌改良根治术岳胸带加压包扎的护理要点。
[单项选择]The author made comparison between reading Milton and cookbook in order to______.
A. merely compare the difference B. show the fact that cookbook is more useful C. reveal the vulgarity of some readers D. to point out that the power of literature is above the literature of knowledge in certain ways [单项选择]信号楼配备的行车备品及数量应在()内规定。
A. 管理办法 B. 《站细》 C. 《行规》 D. 《技规》 [简答题]北京申办2008年奥运会的申办口号是什么?
[多选题]电力系统发生故障、并网点电压出现跌落时,风电场应动态调整( )
A.机组有功功率 B.场内有功补偿容量 C.机组无功功率 D.场内无功补偿容量 [单选题]货车车钩缓冲装置进行摘车临修时,钩舌与钩腕全开位置的内侧距离按( )度掌握。
A.运用 B.辅修 C.段修 D.厂修 [单项选择]等产量曲线上任意两点的产量肯定是()
A. 相等 B. 不等 C. 无关 D. 以上情况都存在 [判断题]据统计,火灾爆炸事故中电气原因引发的火灾仅次于明火。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患婴,男,2天,"反复抽搐半天"入院。孕足月,胎头吸引器助产娩出,Apgar评分1分钟2分。体检:浅昏迷,面色晦暗,皮肤轻度黄染,前囟隆起,呼吸表浅,心音尚有力,腹软,四肢肌张力增高,原始反射消失。为明确诊断,首选的实验室检查是()
A. 胸片 B. 血培养 C. 头颅CT D. 腰穿查脑脊液 E. 肝功能 [填空题]自耦变压器具有多个(),以获得不同()。笼型电动机采用自耦变压器起动,其起动电流和起动转矩均按变比的平方倍降低。
[判断题]灭火时应当采用卧姿射水姿势、开关水枪(分水器)动作要缓慢、避免水锤作用、严禁对射误伤他人。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]负责刑事案件的侦查、拘留、执行逮捕和预审的机关是()。
A.公安机关 B.检察机关 C.审判机关 D.监察机关 [判断题]采取正确、完备的安全措施;是工作票签发人的责任。
A. 从出生4周到12岁左右 B. 8岁到12岁左右 C. 出生4周到8岁 D. 1岁到12岁 E. 1岁到8岁 [单选题]员工必须做到三负责,即( )负责,对公司负责,对自己负责。全力以赴地完成工作任务和履行职能,对自己的失误承担责任。
A.对国家 B.对社会 C.对他人320. [单选题]患者男,35岁。运动后突发右下腹阵发性剧痛伴恶心、呕吐及镜下血尿,应考虑是( )
A.急性阑尾炎 B.膀胱结石 C.右输尿管结石 D.急性胆囊炎 E.肠套叠 [单项选择]关于顺直河段的航行条件,下列说法哪个正确().
A. 在内河水道中顺直河段的航行条件是最好的 B. 顺直河段航道水深大、宽度大,能够充分发挥船舶的效率 C. 顺直河段可减少驾驶员的操作复杂性 D. 以上都对 我来回答: 提交