Started in 1636, Harvard University is
the oldest of all the many colleges and universities in the United States.
Yale, Princeton, Columbia and Dartmouth were opened soon after
Harvard. In the early years, these schools were much alike. Only young men went to college. All the students studied the same subjects, and everyone learned Latin, Greek and Hebrew. Little was known about science then, and one kind of school could teach everything that was known about the world. When the students graduated, most of them became ministers (大臣) or teachers. In 1782, Harvard started a medical school for young men who wanted to become doctors. Later, lawyers could receive their training in Harvard’s law school. In 1825, besides Latin and Greek, Harvard began teaching modern languages, such as French and German. Soon it began teaching Ame A. everything that was known B. law and something about medicine C. many new subjects D. the subjects that interested students [多项选择]债券付息的频率主要包括( )。
A. 按年支付 B. 利随本清 C. 贴现发行 D. 按月支付 [判断题]焊接重要部件的焊条,烘焙后使用时应装入温度保持在100~150℃的专用保温筒内,随用随取。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]高血压病晚期尿量减少的主要原因是
A. 肾小球毛细血管血压降低 B. 肾小囊内压力增加 C. 血浆胶体渗透压升高 D. 肾小管对水重吸收减少 E. 抗利尿激素分泌增加 [单选题]闪点低,表示在(),因此该液体容易着火燃烧
A.很低的温度下就能闪爆 B.很高的温度下就能闪燃 C.很低的温度下就能闪燃 D.很高的温度下就能闪爆 [简答题]意识具有主观特性。
[单选题]P207T1M007 励磁电压响应比表征的励磁电压上升的平均速率的时间范围是( )。
A.最初0.2s内 B.最初0.3s内 C.最初0.5s内 D.最初1s内 [单选题]"科曼急救转运监护仪C30重量为( )
A.<=0.75KG B.<=1.0KG C.<=1.2KG D.<=1.5KG [单项选择]下列对现代物流理念的理解有误的是( )。
A. 现代物流不仅意味这物品实体流动过程 B. 现代物流理念与物流的定义相同 C. 现代物流更重要的是服务理念、管理理念上的创新 D. 从企业的角度来讲,物流是一个过程 [单选题]作业安全要求,不在线路中心行走、( ),不钻车和跨越车钩越。
A.坐卧 B.休息 C.停留 D.观望 [单选题]办理站车交接,短编组动车组列车在( )号车厢之间。
A.4、5 B.5、6 C.7、8 D.8、9 [单选题](28182)韶山型电力机车上现在采用的MT-3型缓冲器,该缓冲器属于( )。(1.0分)
A.弹簧式 B.摩擦式 C.摩擦橡胶式 D.液压式 [单选题]1.294.第294题
监控系统所有设备的状态变位应闪烁告警。() A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]
"My own feelings went from disbelief to excitement to downright fear," says Carl Hergenrother, 23, an Arizona undergraduate who verified a large asteroid barreling toward Earth with a 230em telescope atop nearby Kitt Peak. "It was scary, because there was the possibility that we were confirming the demise of some city somewhere, or some state or small country." [判断题]振动对人体的危害分为全身振动危害和局部振动危害。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]义务机构在充分评估下述非自然人客户风险状况基础上,可以将其法定代表人或者实际控制人视同为受益所有人:
A.A-个体工商户、个人独资企业、不具备法人资格的专业服务机构。 B.B-经营农林渔牧产业的非公司制农民专业合作组织。 C.C-各级党的机关、国家权力机关、行政机关、司法机关、军事机关、人民政协机关和人民解放军、武警部队、参照公务员法管理的事业单位 D.D-政府间国际组织、外国政府驻华使领馆及办事处等机构及组织。 [单项选择]致力于改变群体相互之问的态度、成见和观念的干预手段称为:()
A. 社会技术系统 B. 群体间关系的发展 C. 过程咨询 D. 社会责任感的培养 [判断题] 国家综合性消防救援队伍各单位、各部门之间,应当按照各自职能和分工,相互尊重,互相支持,密切合作,协调一致地进行工作
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交