Now that many media chiefs have fallen
into disrepute (坏名声) and have left, those who are still in positions feel the
need to take the problem seriously. CEOs were overhyped (炒作) as were some
stocks. This is how AOL Time Warner group chairman Jeff Bewkes summed it up. The
era of the imperial CEO has come to an end, MTV Networks Chairman Tom Freston
added. The two executives agreed that the industry’s complex and often ill-fated
mega mergers (大型合并) had proven that bigger is not necessarily better, no matter
how big the reputations of the personalities behind them. The continuing fall of media executives who a few years ago were hailed as visionaries(有远见卓识者) was active this month, and the industry’s fears reached into the executive ranks of music, publishing and TV. Technology visionary Steve Case left as chairman of AO A. Chief executive Richard Parsons was fired by AOL Time Warner. B. Steve Case once was hired as chairman of AOL Time Warner. C. Top executives at Sony Music, MCA Records and Random House were promoted. D. Walter Isaacson, chairman of CNN Networks was rewarded. [判断题]使用没有读数刻度线的水平尺时,可用塞尺片在水平尺一端的下部垫平水平尺(气泡在中间)。再利用这个塞尺片所垫厚度值,经计算获得水平度参数。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]计件工资的计算方式是:货币工资=( )
A. 计件工资额(计价单价)×合格产品数量 B. 计件率×合格产品数量 C. 计件工资率(计件单价)×合格产品数量 D. 计件工资率×总生产当日数量 [单选题]血液检查可能查到
A.丝虫微丝蚴、疟原虫 B.丝虫微丝蚴、蛔虫感染期虫卵 C.疟原虫、蛔虫感染期虫卵 D.疟原虫、血吸虫尾蚴 [单选题]反应器反应压力低采取的措施中不正确的是( )。
A.提高生产负荷 B.增加原料投入量 C.提高反应器内部温度 D.加大反应器采出量 [判断题]用人单位不按规定支付工伤职工各项工伤保险待遇的,由劳动保障行政部门责令限期改正;拒不改正的,处以1000元以上1万元以下的罚款。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]6月26日,“()”号驾驶舱内,中国科学院院士.中山大学校长罗俊拉响汽笛,我国最大海洋综合科考实习船交付仪式圆满完成。据介绍,“()”号是目前国内设计排水量最大.综合科考性能最强的海洋综合科考实习船,排水量6880吨,续航力()海里。
A.深海勇士.12000 B.蛟龙.15000 C.中山大学.15000 D.实验3.12000 我来回答: 提交