Among all the animals, the ape is most
like human beings. Both people and apes have the similar brain structure, the
similar nerve system, and the similar kind of blood. There are four kinds of apes: the chimpanzee (黑猩猩), the orangutan (猩猩), the gorilla (大猩猩), and the gibbon (长臂猿). They live in the deep forests and warm tropical regions of Africa and of Southeast Asia, including Indonesia. All apes are covered with brown, reddish-brown, or black hair everywhere on their bodies except their faces, feet, and hands. Their hands each have four fingers and a thumb that helps them grip things the way our thumbs help us. But they also have a thumb on each foot instead of a big toe. Thus they can hold things with their feet also. Having short, weak legs, apes do not walk on the ground very much. However, their arms are A. they like to live in small family groups B. they like to move from place to place in search of more food C. they like to eat eggs, small animals, nuts and insects D. it rains too often in the deep forests [单选题]70型扣板式扣件在50kg/m钢轨调整扭矩能力为(??? )mm至16mm。
A.8 B.0 C.-2 D.-8 [判断题]悬吊下降系统是通过手控下降器沿工作绳将坐板下移或固定在任意高度进行作业的工作系统。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]当STANDBY POWER(备用电源)电门置于OFF位,STANDBY POWER OFF(备用电源断开)灯会亮,且:
A.交流备用汇流条,静变流机,直流备用汇源条无电 B.交流备用汇流条由电瓶通过静交流机供电 C.静变流机向1号转换汇流条提供28伏直流电 D.以上都不对 [判断题]中性点经消弧线圈接地的三相系统,在正常情况下,系统中性点的位移电压不得超过相电压的10%。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 金属材料使用性能的好坏,决定了它的使用范围与使用寿命。(易)( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,不合格的工具应( ),不得摆放在库房内或继续使用
A. 更换 B.报废 C.检修 D.丢弃 [多项选择]融资租赁合同的内容一般包括( )等条款。
A. 租赁物的名称、数量、规格 B. 租赁物的技术性能、检验方法 C. 租赁期限 D. 租金支付方式 [单选题]根据《消防法》,机关、团体、企业、事业等单位应当对建筑消防设施()至少进行一次全面检测,确保完好有效,检测记录应当完整准确,存档备查。
A.每年 B.每季度 C.每月 [单项选择]通常质控符号以AL表示,其中A表示()
A. 质控测定次数 B. 控制限 C. 控制限的测定值 D. 超出质量控制限的测定值的个数 E. 误差 [单选题]一切建筑物、设备,在任何情况下均不得侵入铁路的()。
A.建筑限界 B.桥梁建筑限界 C.机车车辆限界 D.隧道建筑限界 [单项选择]以鲜奶作为良好食物来源的营养素是()。
A. 碘 B. 铁 C. 钙 D. 硒 [单选题]消防安全重点单位实施灭火和应急预案演练应( )至少组织一次监督抽查。
A.一个月 B.一季度 C.半年 D.一年 我来回答: 提交