Ira Carlin, worldwide media director of
the worlds {{U}} (21) {{/U}} advertising agency, McCann Erickson is quite
candid about using fear to sell his message about the communications
revolution. One prediction shows that 55 percent of advertising by volume will be carried on the Internet {{U}} (22) {{/U}} 2005. Consumers will have control and choice of communication; they will also have control over {{U}} (23) {{/U}} advertisements they watch, and how. "But that will only {{U}} (24) {{/U}} to the information enabled", says Carlin. "There’ll be an upstairs-downstairs schism... The widening {{U}} (25) {{/U}} between the information enabled and information disenabled is going to be a greater social problem {{U}} (26) A. farther B. furthest C. farthest D. further [判断题]使用同一张作业票依次在不同作业地点转移作业时,应重新识别评估风险,完善安全措施,重新交底。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]《胜利油田员工安全记分管理实施细则》中,对安全记分建议有异议申请复审的,安全管理部门会同()部门在收到复审申请之日起 5 个工作日内作出复审决定。
A.安全监督 B.纪检监察 C.工会 D.提出记分建议的业务管理 [单项选择]兼有消费和投资双重功能的投资项目有()。
A. 房地产 B. 股票 C. 期货 D. 债券 [单选题]对一般翼型来说,下列说法中,哪个是正确的
A. 当迎角为零时,升力不为零 B. 当翼剖面有一个正迎角时,上翼面处的流线比下翼面处的流线疏 C. 当翼剖面有一个正迎角时,上翼面处的流速小于下翼面处的流速 [单选题]使用新木枕,应预先钻孔,孔径12.5mm,有铁垫板时孔深应为110mm,无铁垫板时孔深应为( )。
A.110mm B.120mm C.130mm D.140mm [单选题]民航空管运行单位在遇到下列哪些情况之一,应当进行安全评估:
A.降低最低飞行间隔 B.新技术首次应用 C.实施新的飞行程序或管制程序 D.以上都是 [判断题]如果投资者认为市场效率较强时,可采取积极的投资策略。( )
[单项选择]Many things make people think artists are weird—the odd hours, the nonconformity, the clove cigarettes. But the weirdest may be this: artists’ only job is to explore emotions, and yet they choose to focus on the ones that feel lousy. Art today can give you anomie, no problem. Bittersweetness You got it. Tristesse What size you want that in But great art, as defined by those in the great-art-defining business, is almost never about simple, unironic happiness.
This wasn’t always so. The earliest forms of art, like painting and music, are those best suited for expressing joy. But somewhere in the 19th century, more artists began seeing happiness as insipid, phony or, worst of all, boring—in Tolstoy’s words, "All happy families are alike." We went from Wordsworth’s daffodils to Baudelaire’s flowers of evil. In the 20th century, classical music became more atonal, visual art more unsettling. Artists who focused on making their audiences feel good, from Usher to Thomas Kinkade, were lab A. true happiness has within itself elements of bitterness B. true happiness does not exist C. no one needs true happiness D. no one can get true happiness [多选题]文字辅助标志有( )
A.立写 B.竖写 C.横写 D.标志性语言 [单选题]7商业银行应当按照(.)计算交易头寸的市值和浮动盈亏情况,对资金交易产品的市场风险.头寸市值变动进行实时监控。
A.原始成本 B.重估价值 C.市场价格 D.预期净现金流量 [判断题]贮存易燃物品的仓库大门应当向内开
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]混凝土中胶凝材料和水的体积之和与混凝土的总体积之比,称为浆体比,对C50-C60,等级混泥土,浆体比一般控制在()以下。
A.32% B.35% C.38% D.40% [单选题]进行心肺复苏法时,如有担架搬运伤员,应该持续做心肺复苏,中断时间不超过( )s。
A.5 B.10 C.30 D.60 [单项选择]《汤液醪醴论》“五脏阳以竭”的含义是()
A. 五脏阳气虚弱 B. 五脏阳气乏竭 C. 五脏阳气阻遏 D. 五脏阳气失调 E. 以上均不是 [单选题]贯入深度测量表分度值应为( )。
A.0.1mm B.0.01mm C.0.001mm D.1mm [单选题] 经刑法修正案八修改,由危险犯变为行为犯的罪名是:( )
A. 生产、销售伪劣产品罪 B. 生产、销售假药罪 C. 生产、销售劣药罪 D. 生产、销售不符合食品安全标准的食品罪 [单项选择]实施护理措施时
A. 对利于疾病转归的措施无需征求患者及家属意见 B. 应该与医疗工作密切配合,保持协调一致 C. 应根据护士的时间安排患者的健康教育 D. 应教会患者掌握各项护理技术 E. 应重点观察患者的心理反应 [填空题]客户服务水平20秒内人工接通率≥75%,是中国联通服务体系中()服务的服务标准。
[单选题]人行斜道和运料斜道的脚手板上应每隔 250~300m设置一根( )。
A.防滑木条 B.防护栏杆 C.固定铁丝 D.扫地杆 [单选题]房地产投资者的实际收益较预期收益增加的部分,通常称为( )。
A.超额利润 B.投资回报 C.内部收益 D.风险报酬 [单项选择]芳基丙酸类药物最主要的临床作用是()
A. 中枢兴奋 B. 抗癫痫 C. 降血脂 D. 抗病毒 E. 消炎镇痛 我来回答: 提交