{{B}}Pollution: A Life and Death Issue{{/B}} One of the main themes of Planet under Pressure is the way many of the Earth’s environmental crises reinforce one another. Pollution is an obvious example—we do not have the option of growing food, or finding enough water, on a squeaky- clean planet, but on one increasingly tarnished and trashed by the way we have used it so far. Cutting waste and clearing up pollution cost money. Yet time and again it is the quest for wealth that generates much of the mess in the first place. Living in a way that is less damaging to the Earth is not easy, but it is vital, because pollution is pervasive and often life-threatening. Air: the World Health Organization (WHO) says three million people are killed worldwide by outdoor air pollution annually from vehicles and industrial emiss A. 3 million B. 1.6 million C. 2.1 million D. 3.2 million [名词解释]学习目标
[单选题] 电力电缆沟(槽)开挖深度达到( )m及以上时,应采取措施防止土层塌方。 (1.0分)
A. 1.0 B. 1.2 C. 1.5 D. 1.8 [多选题]在中性点经消弧线圈接地的电网中,过补偿运行时消弧线圈的主要作用是()
A.改变接地电流相位 B.减小接地电流 C. 消除铁磁谐振过电压 D.小单相故障接地时故障点恢复电压 [单选题]()符合美容师职业守则中爱岗敬业要求。
A.遵纪守法 B.多劳多得 C.持证上岗 D.尽职尽责 [单项选择]The best title for this passage would be ______.
A. Children Rule the World B. Computer Languages C. The Unreal World of the Child and LOGO D. Children Learn Reasoning Using LOGO [判断题]当进站信号机内方第一无岔区段发生故障,采用引导进路锁闭方式引导接车时,引导信号开发后,无须再按压引导按钮。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]双因素理论中的双因素指的是( )
A. 人和物的因素 B. 信息与环境 C. 自然因素和社会因素 D. 保健因素与激励因素 [单项选择]某建筑物基础尺寸为2m×2m,基础埋深为2m,基底附加应力P0=1000kPa,则基础中点垂线上,离地面4m.处的附加应力为()kPa。
A. 10 B. 25 C. 50 D. 33.6 [单项选择]为提高证券业从业人员专业素质,促进我国证券市场健康发展,维护投资者合法权益, ( )于2002年12月16日公布了《证券业从业人员资格管理办法》,自2003年2月1日起实施。
A. 中国证监会 B. 中国证券业协会 C. 国务院证券委员会 D. 国务院证券委、国家体改委 [判断题]道岔导曲线可根据需要设置 6mm 的超高,并在导曲线范围内按不大于 2‰顺坡。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]中国画的表现内容主要有:人物、山水、( )。
A. 股票所代表的投入企业实际资本价值的货币表现 B. 股息的资本化 C. 按股票面额可从公司盈利中分得的一部分利润额 D. 社会经济、政治形势变化的晴雨表 [判断题]新型防误装置须经国家电网公司授权机构或行业内权威机构检测、鉴定考核后方可推广使用。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交