For more than thirty years after
astronauts first set foot on the Moon, scientists have been unable to unravel
the mystery of where the Earth’s only satellite came from. But now there is
direct evidence that the Moon was born after a giant collision between the young
Earth and another planet. Previous studies of rocks from the Earth and the Moon have been unable to distinguish between the two, suggesting that they formed from the same material. But this still left room for a number of theories explaining how—for example, that the Moon and Earth formed from the same material at the same time. It was even suggested that the early Earth spun so fast it formed a bulge that eventually broke off to form the Moon. Franck Poitrasson, and his colleagues at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have compared Moon rocks with A. The Moon was born after a giant collision between the young Earth and another planet. B. The Moon rocks had a higher ratio of iron 57 to iron 54 isotopes than the Earth rocks. C. The Moon and the Earth have almost the same portion of iron. D. This catastrophic collision would have released much more energy than the impact believed to have wiped out the dinosaurs. [单项选择]体温变化是母犬接近分娩期最可靠的标志,其变化规律大致为()
A. 正常~下降~升高~趋于正常 B. 正常~升高~下降~趋于正常 C. 正常~下降~升高~低于正常 D. 正常~升高~下降~高于正常 [单项选择]十二指肠球部溃疡的X线征象不包括()
A. 激惹 B. 变形 C. 龛影 D. 畸形 E. 扩大 [单项选择]Performance monitoring of a poorly performing system indicates a high level of CPU usage. Which tool can be used to help identify which processes are using excessive CPU resources?()
A. sar B. topas C. iostat D. vmstat [单项选择]高层建筑房屋高度不超过50m时,8、9度抗震设计时宜采用()。
A. 现浇楼盖结构 B. 装配整体式楼盖 C. 预制楼盖结构 D. 钢砼组合楼盖结构 [单选题]下列车辆中不属于抢险救援车辆的是()。
A. 防化洗消车 B. 消防救护车 C. 举高消防车 D. 泡沫消防车 [单选题]列车运行速度超过120km/h的半自动闭塞或自动站间闭塞区段,设置两段接近区段,在第一接近区段和第二接近区段的分界处,设()。
A.预告信号机 B.接近信号机 C.复示信号机 [判断题]高处作业时,较大的工具应用绳栓在牢固的构件上,工件、边角余料应放置在牢靠的地方或用铁丝扣牢并有防止坠落的措施,不准随便乱放,以防止从高空坠落发生事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]企业先前提交的有效身份证件已过有效期的,企业未在合理期限内更新且没有提出合理理由的,金融机构应当中止办理业务。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]根据有关规定,下列财产中,可以用作税款抵押的是( )。
A. 土地所有权 B. 所有权有争议的财产 C. 依法被扣押的财产 D. 抵押人所有的厂房 [单项选择]患者男性,42岁。为肝硬化大量腹水病人,突然出现不明原因的发热、腹痛,触诊发现腹肌紧张,有压痛,并伴轻度反跳痛,此时该患者最可能的并发症是
A. 上消化道出血 B. 自发性腹膜炎 C. 肝性脑病 D. 穿孔 E. 肝肾综合征 [单项选择]南瓜一般在()片叶移栽?
A. 2-3片 B. 3-4片 C. 5-6片 D. 7-8片 [单选题]____是一个国家.一个民族的灵魂。
A.经济 B.政治 C.法治 D.文化 我来回答: 提交