It is incongruous that the number of British institutions offering MBA courses should have grown by 254 percent during a period when the economy has been sliding into deeper recession. Optimists, or those given to speed, assumptions, might think it marvelous to have such a resource of business school graduates ready for the recovery. Unfortunately, there is now much doubt about the value of the degree not least among MBA graduates themselves, suffering as they are from the effects of recession and facing the prospect of shrinking management structures.
What was taken some years ago as a ticket of certain admission to success is now being exposed to the scrutiny of cost-conscious employers who seek "can-dos" rather than "might-dos", and who feel that academia bas not been sufficiently appreciative of the needs of industry or of the employers’ possible contribution.
It is curious, given the name of the degree, that there should be no league
A. Most managers interviewed felt that their colleagues needed more training
B. Employers today are looking for proven experience rather than potential ability
C. The Management Charter Initiative is an attempt to standardize MBAs
D. Companies would have benefited more from recruiting MBAs rather than investing in their own staff
The ocean bottom—a region nearly 2.5
times greater than the total land area of the Earth is a vast frontier,
that even today is largely unexplored and uncharted. Until about a century ago,
the deep-ocean floor was completely inaccessible, hidden beneath waters
averaging over 3 600 meters deep. Totally without light and subjected to intense
pressures hundreds of times greater than a t the Earth’s surface, the deep-ocean
bottom is a hostile environment to humans, in some ways as forbidding and remote
as the void of outer space. Although researchers have taken samples of deep-ocean rocks and sediments for over a Century, the first detailed global investigation of the ocean bottom did not actually start until 1968. with the beginning of the National Science Foundation’s Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP). Using techniques A. unrecognizable B. unreachable C. unusable D. unsafe [单项选择]一般碱性焊条焊接时应采用()电源形式。
A. 直流正接 B. 直流反接 C. 交流电源 D. 直流正接或反接皆可 [多选题]对涉嫌违反出境入境管理的人员,经当场盘问,有下列 )情形的,可以依法继续盘问。
12 A.有危害国家安全和利益嫌疑的 13 B.有破坏社会公共秩序嫌疑的 14 C.有从事犯罪活动嫌疑的 15 D.外国人有非法就业嫌疑的 [单选题]作业人员应具备必要的安全生产知识,学会紧急救护法,特别要学会( )。
A.创伤急救 B.触电急救 C.溺水急救 D.灼伤急救 [判断题]对担任领导职务的管理指挥干部和兼任领导职务的专业技术干部实施处分,按照其中较低的处分权限执行。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]困难职工帮扶中心是工会履行维权职能的窗口,是工会实施“送温暖工程”、帮扶困难职工的有效载体。其主要工作有职工基本生活救助、()职工子女入学救助和职工就业帮扶等。
A. 职工思想道德教育 B. 职工技术技能培训 C. 职工法律援助 [简答题]会员的基本需求有哪些
[单选题]目前跨度在100m以下的新建钢桥已逐渐采用( )梁
A.A.铆接 B.B.焊接 C.C.铆焊 D.D.栓焊 [单选题]作业人员工作中正常活动范围与10kV高压线路、设备带电部分的安全距离为( )米
A.0.35 B.0.6 C.0.7 D.1.0 [单项选择]深圳市场权证交易和行权的证券、资金最终交收时点均为( )。
A. T+2日16:00 B. T+2日17:00 C. T+1日16:00 D. T+1曰17:00 [单项选择]当被测参数为温度和流量时,根据测量要求,综合考虑精确度等级及量程,选择测量仪表,使其示值出现在量程的()处。
A. 2/3~3/4 B. 1/2~2/3 C. 1/3以下 [单项选择]若要表现工厂工人工作的现场情况,可选用的景别是().
A. 特写 B. 中景 C. 近景 D. 全景 [简答题]高备变有哪些非电量保护,动作结果是什么?
A. CK B. 结蛋白(desmin) C. NSE D. WT1 E. 钙视网膜蛋白(calretinin) F. CD99 [多选题]下列情形中,一般情况下应采用协议出让土地的是( )。
A.原划拨.承租土地使用权人申请办理协议出让,经依法批准的 B.划拨土地使用权转让申请办理协议出让,经依法批准的 C.出让土地使用权人申请续期,经审查准予续期的 D.预期开发商品住宅的 E.预计建设医院且只有一个意向用地者的 [单选题]建筑物格栅形大空间屏蔽工程安装时,选用的金属导体应在建筑物( )敷设。
A.四周墙壁 B.地板上 C.四周墙壁和地板上 D.六面体上 [简答题]产品最终的内在质量是由什么因素决定的?
A. 明细分类账 B. 总分类账 C. 备查簿 D. 日记账 [单选题]慢性阻塞性肺病祛痰镇咳,不宜选用的药物是
A.氯化铵 B.溴己新 C.甘草片 D.棕色合剂 E.可待因 [单项选择]调压器应保证使用安全,运行可靠,便于维护。调压器进口应设有()来保证正常工作。
A. 阀门 B. 压力表 C. 过滤器 D. 旁通 [单选题]性早熟的肝经郁热证首选方剂是
A.丹栀逍遥散 B.黄连解毒汤 C.黄连温胆汤 D.柴胡疏肝散 E.知柏地黄丸 [单选题]货舱烟雾面板上的DISCH(释放)灯何时亮?
A.当按压释放(DISCH)按钮时 B.按压了释放(DISCH)按钮后60秒内,当灭火瓶已完全释放时 C.烟雾灯(SMOKE)亮后 D.按压了释放(DISCH)按钮后30秒内,当灭火瓶已完全释放时 [单选题](28107)在机械传动中,传动轴( )作用。(1.0分)
A.只传递转矩 B.只受弯曲 C.只受扭转 D.受弯曲和扭转 [单项选择]长效的青霉素制剂是:
A. 青霉素 B. 氨苄西林 C. 羧苄西林 D. 苯唑西林 E. 苄星青霉素 [单选题]关于工程量清单的构成,下列说法错误的是()
A.措施项目清单应根据拟建工程的实际情况列项 B.规费是指由省级政府或省级有关权力部门规定必须缴纳的费用 C.投标人可以根据实际情况将若干清单项目合并计价 D.分部分项工程量清单应按不同专业工程量计量规范给出的规则计算工程量 我来回答: 提交