Television has transformed politics in
the United States by changing the way in which information is disseminated, by
altering political campaigns, and by changing citizens’ patterns of response to
politics. By giving citizens independent access to the candidates,
television diminished the role of the political party in the selection of the
major party candidates. By centering politics on the person of the candidate,
television accelerated the citizen’s focus on character than issues. Television has altered the forms of political communication as well. The messages on which most of us rely are briefer than they once were. The stump speech, a political speech given by traveling politicians and lasting 1.5 to 2 hours, which characterized nineteenth century political discourse, has given way to the 30-second advertisement A. politics in the United States has been significantly changed by television B. citizens in the United States prefer to see politicians on television instead of in person C. politics in the United States has become substantially more controversial since the introduction of television D. citizens in the United States are now more informed about political issues because of television coverage [多选题]当前,反腐败斗争形势依然严峻复杂,巩固( )、夺取( )的决心必须坚如磐石。( )
A.高压性态势 B.压倒性态势 C.决定性胜利 D.压倒性胜利 [判断题]如果中央银行要实现刺激经济增长和充分就业的目标,可以适当提高再贴现利率。反之,中央银行可以降低再贴现利率,抑制信贷规模和减少货币供应量。( )
[填空题]A vet is a person who has studied to became a doctor 76. ______
of animals. They take care of the animal’s health. Many pets owners 77. ______ use vet to help them take care of their pets. 78. ______ Some vets take care of dogs, cats, and other small animal. 79. ______ Other vets take care of large animals such as horses, cows or 80. ______ large zoo animals. If you have a pet at your house, your pet has 81. ______ probably seen a vet. Vets can help you to decide 82. ______ what kind of foods your animals should eat, what shots your pet 83. ______ will need, and how you take care of your animal. It is important to 84. ______ take your pet to see a vet to make sure it stays health. 85. ______ [多选题]在汛期恶劣天气进行巡视,应配备的是()
A.安全工器具 B.药品 C.防护用具 D.雨具 E.防滑鞋 F.自救器具 [单选题]幼儿动作发展的一般规律是( )。
A.由双臂动作到头部动作 B.从腿部动作到躯干动作 C.从手指动作到躯干动作 D.从粗大动作到精细动作 [多选题]电力通信网管检修工作开始前,应对可能受到影响的( )等进行备份。
A. A.配置数据 [单选题]关于建筑安装工程结算的编制,下列说法中正确的是( )。
A.采用固定总价合同的,暂列金额不得调整 B.采用固定总价合同的,税率可不按政府部门新公布的税率调整 C.规费应按县级建设主管部门规定的费率计算 D.现场签证费用应依据发承包双方签证资料确认的金额计算 [单选题] 修理带压力的容器必须先排除( )。
A.电力 B.压力 C.气力 [填空题]组培苗从培养室到移栽,中间需要( ),才能保证移栽成活率高。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]行车基本闭塞法分为:自动、半自动和电话闭塞法。
A. 略有增加 B. 略有下降 C. 明显增加 D. 明显下降 E. 保持不变 [填空题]干冰
[多选题]百年奋斗,全党必须铭记( )。
A.坚持全面从严治党 B.永远保持同人民群众的血肉联系 C.践行以人民为中心的发展思想 D.不断实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益 [单项选择]
男性,70岁。持续性上腹部和腰背部疼痛3个月,以夜间为重,前倾坐位时疼痛可以减轻。病后体重减轻10kg。 首先要做的检查是()A. B超 B. 上消化道低张造影 C. 选择性腹腔动脉造影 D. 胃镜 E. 腹部平片 [单选题]3.586. 第586题
居民家庭住宅、居民住宅小区内,居民电动汽车充电桩并执行分时电价,高峰时段电价是()。 A.0.548 B.0.358 C.0.578 D.0.528 [单项选择]共模抑制比是差分放大电路的一个主要技术指标,它反映放大电路()能力
A. 放大差模抑制共模 B. 输入电阻高 C. 输出电阻低 [判断题] ( )“跳槽热”实现了人们对职业的自主选择,应大力提倡。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交