Tomorrow Japan and South Korea will celebrate White Day, an annual event when men are expected to buy a gift for the adored women in their lives. It is a relatively new (21) that was commercially created as payback for Valentine’s Day. That’s (22) in both countries, 14 February is all about the man.
On Valentine’s Day, women are expected to buy all the important male (23) in their lives a token gift= not just their partners, (24) their bosses or older relatives too.
This seems (25) enough. Surely it’s reasonable for men to be indulged on one day of the year, (26) the number of times they’re expected to produce bouquets of flowers and (27) their woman with perfume or pearls.
But the idea of a woman (28) a man didn’t sit easily with people. In 1978, the National Confectionery Industry Association (糖果业协会) (29) an idea to solve this problem. The
A. documented
B. recognized
C. illustrated
D. scheduled
Questions 51-55 are based on
the following passage. To Err is Human by Lewis Thomas Everyone must have had at least one personal experience with a computer error by this time. Bank balances are suddenly reported to have jumped from $ 379 into the millions, appeals for charitable contributions are mailed over and over to people with crazy sounding names at your address, department stores send the A. making mistakes is confined only to human beings B. every human being cannot avoid making mistakes C. all human beings are always making mistakes D. every human being is born to make bad mistakes [多选题] 消防车登高操作场地与厂房、仓库、民用建筑之间不应设置()等障碍物和车库出入口。(易)
A. 妨碍消防车操作的树木 B. 架空管线 C. 场地坡度不宜大于3% D. 直通室外的楼梯 [单项选择]人本主义在( )中得到了深入的应用。
A. 小组工作方法 B. 社区工作方法 C. 个案工作方法 D. 社会工作督导 E. 社会工作咨询 [判断题]06CG003024.根据网公司《关于进一步加强低压集抄建设的指导意见》中《南方电网公司低压集抄工程设计规范》规定,采集器取电源线时仅需单相及零线,采用红、蓝/黑两种颜色的线,其对应分别为红接单相线,蓝/黑接零线( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]引入哪类基团可以使黄酮类化合物脂溶性增加()
A. -OH B. -OCH3 C. 金属离子 D. -CH2OH E. -COOH [判断题]安全生产工作应当以人为本, 坚持安全发展, 坚持安全第一、预防为主的方针。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]SCPC的含义是单路单载波。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]( )是指 两个相间的物质交换 。
[单选题]下列各项,不属于阳明实证临床表现的是( )
A.日晡潮热 B.大渴引饮 C.手足汗出 D.神昏谵语 E.脉滑数 [单选题]在ping命令中,下列哪项参数表示不间断测试连通性。( )
A.-l B.-a C.-n D.-t [单选题]吊车在作业过程中,应设()。
A.工作负责人 B.专责监护人 C.交通疏导员 D.专人指挥 [判断题]零售客户经理-普金----(判断题)商摊贷是指贷款人向符合授信条件的借款人提供一定的贷款额度,借款人在可用额度和额度有效期限内在本行任意一家分支机构柜台.网上银行.手机银行等渠道随借随还.循环使用的个人消费用途贷款。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]发现接触网断线及其部件损坏或在接触网上挂有线头、绳索等,不用在接触网断线1外进行防护,防止其它人员进入断线处所。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在交通监控关系信息系统投入运行后,交警部门提出按照不同地点、不同时间进行交通违法情况分析。这种要求属于()
A. 完善性维护 B. 纠错性维护 C. 预防性维护 D. 适应性维护 [单选题]胃癌的癌前状态应除外( )
A.胃息肉 B.胃溃疡 C.急性胃炎 D.慢性萎缩性胃炎 我来回答: 提交