More Than 8 Hours Sleep Too Much of a Good Thing Although the dangers of too little sleep are widely known, new research suggests that people who sleep too much may also suffer the consequences. Investigators at the University of California in San Diego found that people who clock up 9 or 10 hours each weeknight appear to have more trouble falling and staying asleep, as well as a number of other sleep problems, than people who sleep 8 hours a night. People who slept only 7 hours each night also said they had more trouble falling asleep and feelipg refreshed after a night’s sleep than 8-hour sleepers. These findings, which DL Daniel Kripke reported in the joumal Psychosomatic Medicine, demonstrate that people w [多选题]《行规》办理客运业务的车站两侧应设有与站台长度相适应的( )。
A.栅栏 B.围墙 C.铁丝网 D.接触网 [单项选择]The encouraging factor is that the _________ majority of people find the idea of change acceptable.
A. numerous B. vast C. most D. massive [多选题]探亲(休假)、轮休人员应当按照批准的时间执行,并与单位保持联系,保证有紧急战备任务时能够及时召回;单位首长应当向探亲(休假)、轮休人员提出要求,交代注意事项;消防救援人员在探亲(休假)、轮休期间应当按照要求主动向单位报告探亲(休假)、轮休情况;处理( )时,应当依法办事
A.家庭纠纷 B.其他纠纷 C.人员纠纷 D.事故纠纷 [单选题]《安全生产法》所指的危险物品包括( )。
A.易燃易爆物品、危险化学品、放射性物品 B.枪支弹药 C.高压气瓶 D.手持电动工具 [单选题]下列各项业务免征增值税的是( )。
A.养老机构提供的养老服务 B.销售公司进口的残疾人专用物品 C.一般纳税人销售自己使用过的物品 D.属于增值税一般纳税人的动漫企业销售其自主开发生产的动漫软件 [单项选择]长期大剂量应用糖皮质激素可引起的不良反应是
A. 高血钾 B. 高血钙 C. 高血糖 D. 低血压 E. 以上均非 [填空题]工程造价的预测,要全面反映建筑产品的价值构成,体现社会的必要劳动量, 按( )进行预测。
[单选题]人工进路办理完成后,按照“( )”的原则(以电客车为参照物),对进路进行确认。
A.由近及远 B.由远及近 C.先左后右 D.先右后左 [单项选择]()在多路复用技术中具有动态分配时隙的功能。
A. 同步时分多路复用 B. 统计时分多路复用 C. 频分多路复用 D. 波分多路复用 [填空题]CRH3型动车组四级修自动车钩整体检修:进行气密性试验,在1MPa 空气压力下,保压时间不少于 5 min,压降不大于()MPa。
A. 文种、类别、类属 B. 类别、类属、文种 C. 类属、类别、文种 [单选题]单户“商品流通快贷”授信最高不超过( )元(含)。
A.1000万 B.2000万 C.3000万 D.5000万 [单项选择]
Mobility of individual members and family groups tends to split up family relationships. Occasionally the movement of a family away from a situation which has been the source of friction results in greater family organization, but on the whole mobility is disorganizing. Individuals and families are involved in three types of mobility: movement in space, movement up or down in social status, and the movement of ideas. These are termed respectively spatial, vertical and ideational mobility. [判断题]Bell Tower钟楼( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]仪表的电线、电缆要经常检查,须绝缘良好。电线周围不准( )。
A.潮湿 B.干燥 C.堆放杂物 D.温度过高 [单项选择]与月经的至、竭及孕育息息相关的经络是
A. 冲脉,胞脉 B. 任脉,督脉 C. 督脉,冲脉 D. 任脉,冲脉 E. 任、督、冲三脉 [判断题]高处作业时,较大的工具应用绳栓在牢固的构件上,工件、边角余料应放置在牢靠的地方或用铁丝扣牢并有防止坠落的措施,不准随便乱放,以防止从高空坠落发生事故。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]应用萃取分离法萃取的对象是被测组分这样仅起到了被测组分与干扰组分的分离。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交