Have you (61) asked
yourself why children go to school You will probably say that they go
(62) their own language and other languages,
arithmetic, history, science and (63) subjects. That is
quite true, but why do they learn these things And are these things
(64) that they learn at school We (65) our children to (66) them for the time (67) they will be big and will have work (68) themselves. Nearly all they study at school has some (69) use in their life. But is that the only reason (70) they d A. much B. most C. a lot D. more [单选题]连续油管作业中,油管发生刺漏、断裂多发生于从井内出防喷盒及( )的部位。
A.出注入头 B.出鹅颈架 C.入滚筒 D.井内 [单项选择]
It would be of great benefit to you remembering names. (36) no one’s ability to remember names is excellent. Yet this important skill (37) you the advantage in business and personal (38) "A person’s own name is the sweetest and most important (39) . "Dale Carnegie (40) in How to Win Friends and Influence People. It is often the (41) to a friendship, a closed business or a new partner- ship. [判断题]转为非常站控时,车务应急值守人员和列车调度员须在《CTC控制模式转换登记簿》内登记,记明转换的原因。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]实施排烟降毒时,充分考虑烟雾、气体流向,合理选择进风口、排烟口和驱散方向。在有毒、有害物质燃烧或泄漏事故现场,要全程不间断实施侦察检测,并通过稀释、驱散、中和等方法降低现场有毒、有害物质浓度。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]70t级铁路货车的最高商业运营速度为( )。
A.80km/h B.100km/h C.120km/h D.140km/h [单选题] 患者男性,45岁,半年来于剧烈活动时或饱餐后发作心前区疼痛,持续数分钟可自行缓解,1周内发作频繁,3小时来晚饭后疼痛剧烈不能缓解,伴憋闷,大汗。医嘱给予吸氧的主要目的是( )
A.改善心肌缺氧,减轻疼痛 B.减少心律失常 C.预防心源性休克 D.防止心力衰竭 E.促进坏死组织吸收 [单选题]下列有关文化常识的叙述错误的一项是()。
A.“三纲五常”中的“三纲”是指君为臣纲、父为子纲、夫为妻纲 B.“三从四德”中的“四德”是指妇德、妇言、妇容、妇功 C.“三教九流”中的“三教”是指儒教、道教、佛教 D.“四书五经”中的“五经”是指《诗》《书》《礼》《易》《乐》 [填空题]指挥机车向显示人方向来的信号昼间为展开的绿色信号旗在下部()摇动。
A.是用调制信号控制载波的幅度 B.是一种线性变换 C.调制度越大,调幅波输出功率越小 D.调幅波所占频宽等于调制信号最高频率 [单选题] 汽轮机启动时的差胀保护应在( )投入。
A.全速后; B.冲转前; C.并入电网后; D.冲转后。 [判断题]正常成人安静时每分钟呼吸16次~20次,呼吸与脉搏的比是1:4,小儿较快,老人稍慢,活动和情绪激动时增快,休息和睡眠时较慢 (1分.)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]在Argonia司机为汽车事故保险而支付的平均费用是被管制的,从而使保险公司能取得合理的利润,在这种管制之下,个别的司机支付的费用从来不是依赖于该司机每年行驶的距离。所以,驾驶距离少于平均水平的Argonia人部分补贴了那些驾驶距离多于平均水平的人支付的保险费用。
上面的结论可以被恰当地得到,如果在Argonia,这样的情况也是真实的()。 A. 无论何时,很多新司机购买保险时,所有司机平均要支付的事故保险费用也会上升。 B. 对保险公司来讲,花在行驶距离少于平均水平的人身上的成本要小于花在行驶距离多于平均水平的人身上的成本。 C. 司机年龄越低,该司机支付的保险费用越高。 D. 如果根据每年行驶的距离对司机进行分类,保险公司的利润就会显著上升。 E. 那些保险公司为之付出昂贵的赔偿额的司机所支付的保险费用等于或低于其他司机支付的保险费用。 [单选题]车站与银行兑零时发生差错原则上由车站与银行协商补还,如双方存在异议,由()联系银行处理。
A.车站报运营分公司 B.运营分公司报客运部 C.运营分公司报财务部 D.车站报财务部 [单选题]下列是强制参数版本同步参数为( )。
A. 5000 B. 5001 C. 5003 D.5004 [判断题] 业绩考核得分与人工成本、劳务费挂钩比例将根据管理需要及实际情况作适当调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CRH380A统型动车组重联过程中, 为连挂端的为主控车, 为连挂端的为被控车。
A.1号车、0号车 B.0号车、0号车 C.0号车、1号车 D.1号车、1号车 [单选题]《铁路交通事故应急救援和调查处理条例》规定,( )由国务院铁路主管部门组织事故调查组进行调查。
A.重大事故 B.特别重大事故 C.较大事故 D.一般事故 [单选题] 白带多为乳白色赫液状,宫颈表面糜烂平坦,占宫颈面积1/3~2/3,为(0分)
A.颗粒型中度糜烂 B.乳突型中度糜烂 C.乳突型重度糜烂 D.颗粒型重度糜烂 E.单纯型中度糜烂 [单项选择]用万用电表电阻档测晶体管元件时,档位应放在()最合适。
A. R×1档 B. R×100档 C. R×1000档 D. R×10K档 [单选题]洗涤红细胞,冰冻红细胞必须在制成后( )尽快输用。
A. 6h 内 B. 8h 内 C. 12h内 D. 18h内 E. 24h内 [单选题]进近管制单位向塔台管制单位发出的预计到达时间相差超过( )分钟,应当进行更正。A. 2.0
B. 3.0
C. 5.0
D. 10.0
A.A B.B C.C D.D [单项选择]建筑工程的造价有两种含义,从投资者和承包商的角度可以理解为( )。
A. 建设工程固定资产投资和建设工程承发包价格 B. 建设工程总投资和建设工程承发包价格 C. 建设工程总投资和建设工程同定资产投资 D. 建设工程动态投资和建设工程静态投资 [简答题] In 1999, John Wood, then 35 and Microsoft’’s No. 2 in China, journeyed to Nepal with some 3,000 books in tow-not to read on vacation but to give to a school that could not afford any. The project was a joint venture between Wood and Dinesh Prasad Shrestha, a rural-aid worker in Kathmandu whom the IT executive had met earlier. It planted an idea. "We should get serious about this," Shrestha told Wood. "We should be more organized and do this properly. "
The rest of Room to Read’’s story may not yet be a corporate legend, but "the business" , as Wood calls it, has certainly broken plenty of new ground since he quit his job and launched a new career. " Microsoft didn’’t need me," he explains, " the children of Nepal did." In just five years, the charity has built more than 100 schools, assembled some 1,000 libraries, stocked them with almost half a million new books, put more than 500 girls on long-term scholarships, and opened 45 computer and language rooms. And not just in Nepa
A. 交感神经兴奋 B. 气道急性炎症 C. 气道反应性降低 D. 免疫介导的气道慢性炎症 E. 病变局限且气流受限不可逆 [单选题]人员搜救应做好安全防护,且搜救人员编组不得少于( )人,并指定一名负责人。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [判断题]平面曲线种类有单曲线、竖曲线、同向曲线和反向曲线。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]The nurse is teaching a client and his family about dietary practices related to Parkinson’s disease. A priority for the nurse to address is risk of()
A. fluid overload and drooling. B. aspiration and anorexia. C. choking and diarrhea. D. dysphagia and constipation. 我来回答: 提交