The remarkable progress of science and technology in the 20th century has brought enormous benefits to humankind. Long and healthy lives, economic prosperity and a pleasant and convenient living environment have resulted from technological progress based on advances in scientific knowledge. This progress will continue or may even accelerate in the future, because both the number of scientists and their activities are expanding throughout the world. We may expect, therefore, that science and technology will continue to contribute to the development of human society.
At the same time, rapid scientific advances may raise some difficult problems. First of all, the disparity in scientific knowledge between those in scientific and technical professions and those in other areas will continuously expand. This may create a communications gap between the two groups that could affect obtaining public consent on impo
A. may cause the lack of scientists throughout the world in the century to come
B. is mainly due to the explosion of scientific information
C. may increase the communications gap between young people and scientists
D. may hinder the development of human society
A Biological
Clock{{/B}} Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior. The biological clock{{U}} (1) {{/U}}plants when to form flowers and when the flowers should open. It tells insects when to{{U}} (2) {{/U}}the protective cocoon (防护卵袋) and fly away, and it tells animals and human beings when to eat, sleep and wake. Events outside the plant and animals{{U}} (3) {{/U}}the action of some biological clocks. Scientists recently found, for example, that a tiny animal changes the color of its fur because of the{{U}} (4) {{/U}}of hours of daylight. In the short{{U}} (5) {{/U}}of winter, its fur becomes white. The fur becomes gray brown in{{U}} (6) {{/U}}in the longer hours of daylight in summer. A. affect B. adopt C. avoid D. express [判断题]’年5月25日,青岛农商银行在青岛农业大学体育场隆重举办第四届职工运动会。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]某企业集团的下列业务单位中,适合选择成本领先战略的有( )。
A. 甲业务单位,生产顾客需求多样化的产品 B. 乙业务单位,生产购买者不太关注品牌的产品 C. 丙业务单位,生产消费者转换成本较低的产品 D. 丁业务单位,生产目标市场具有较大需求空间或增长潜力的产品 [单项选择]用单台处理机顺序计算表达式:f=a+be+ce2+de3,需 (69) 级。若用3台处理机并行计算此表达式,则只需 (70) 级。
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单项选择]注射青霉素过敏导致的过敏性休克是
A. 应激效应 B. 副作用 C. 后遗效应 D. 毒性反应 E. 变态反应(超敏反应) [判断题]生产经营单位使用被派遣劳动者的,不必对被派遣劳动者进行岗位安全操作规程和安全操作技能的教育和培训。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]通过进水阀进入压力管道工作期间,应做好措施,确保进水阀始终处于( )状态。
A.A.全关 B.B.全开 C.C.半开 D.D.半关 [单选题]We had a long conversation about her parents.
A.talk B.speech C.debate D.discussion [单项选择]液压泵故障灯下列情况下正确的是()
A. 任何情况下选择OFF位时灯熄灭 B. 选择OFF位时灯熄灭过热情况除外(只要过热存在灯就保持亮) C. 不管选不选择OFF位灯会一直亮 [判断题]焊接电弧的温度不会超过6000℃。(1.0分)
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]为什么仲景指出"患者欲吐者,不可下之",而"食已即吐者,大黄甘草汤主之"?
A. 研究型课程 B. 知识型课程 C. 技能型课程 D. 基础新课程 E. 拓展型课程 [单选题]归队后,消防救援站指挥员应当在()日内向辖区消防救援大队移交《轻微火灾简易登记表》(大队存档联)和现场录像资料。
A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 [简答题]何谓最高价、最低价、平均价?
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