Mrs. P sneezes violently. Mrs. O says
"Bless you!" Mrs. P says "Thank you." Again, this hardly seems to be a case of
language being used to communicate ideas, but rather to maintain a comfortable
relationship between people. Its sole function is to provide a means of avoiding
a situation which both parties might otherwise find embarrassing. No factual
content is involved. Similarly, the use of such phrases as "Good morning" or
"Pleased to meet you", and ritual exchanges about health or the weather, do not
communicate ideas in the usual sense. Sentences of this kind are usually automatically produced, and stereotyped (固定不变) in structure. They often state the obvious (e. g. Lovely day!) or have no content at all (e. g. Hello!). They certainly require a special kind of explanation, and this is found in the idea that lan A. the topic of phatic communication is usually not very serious B. in the minds of English people the weather is a universal topic C. every culture has its own way to communicate ideas D. the English and other European people are quite different from each other in language use for social communication [单选题]加强钻井液中固相的清除可使其密度( )。
A.提高 B.降低 C.不变 D.无法判断 [判断题]( ) 泄漏区域人员未佩戴或未正确佩戴正压式空气呼吸器,泄漏区域未设置警示标志,监护人员处于下风向位置,造成人员中毒窒息。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]未严格执行安全责任清单,导致安全生产事故(事件)的,在事故调查处理意见中,应指出()执行安全责任清单方面存在的问题,并依据相关规章制度进行责任追究。
A.总工 B.安监部主任 C.安全总监 D.责任人员 [多选题]关于防静电服的使用与维护,下列表述正确的是( )。
A.防静电服必须与防静电鞋配套使用,不允许在易燃易爆的场所穿脱。 B.穿着时,先穿好裤子,然后穿上衣,再把帽子、手套、脚套全部依次戴好。 C.使用时,为确保效果,应当在防静电服上附加金属物件。 D.防静电服应用清水洗涤,必要时可以加适量的皂液,然后晾干。 E.洗涤防静电服时应小心,不可损伤服装纤维。 [单选题]窨制茉莉花茶的茶叶原料主要选用下哪一种( )
A. 炒青茶坯 B. 眉茶 C. 烘青茶坯 D. 蒸青茶 [判断题]工程变更引起施工方案改变并使措施项目发生变化时,安全文明施工费按照实 际发生的措施项目调整,不得浮动。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下属于社会主义核心价值观的显著特征的是 ( )
A. 反映人类社会发展进步的价值理念 B. 体现中华文明的强大优势 C. 彰显人民至上的价值立场 D. 因真实可信而具有强大的道一力量 [单项选择]引导各类院校办出特色,支持引导一批地方本科高校向应用型高校转变,建设一批高水平()大学。
A. 试验型 B. 理论型 C. 研究型 D. 应用技术型 [多选题]期货公司董事、监事和高级管理人员受到非法或者不当干预,不能正常依法履行职责,导致或者可能导致期货公司发生违规行为或者出现风险的,可以不向( )报告。
A.中国证监会 B.中国期货业协会 C.中国证监会相关派出机构 D.中国证监会或其派出机构 我来回答: 提交