Many writers complain that their
biggest difficulty is finding a subject. Sometimes that difficulty appears less
complicated because the subject is identified in a writing assignment. But
writing assignments vary in how they are worded, what they assume, and what they
expect. For example, you may be asked to discuss two characters in a play you
have read. This open assignment does not identify a subject; it merely
identifies an area in which a subject needs to be developed. Another version of
that same assignment might ask you to compare and contrast the way the two
characters make compromises. This closed assignment identifies a subject, but it
assumes you how to work with a specific form (comparison and contrast essay) and
it expects you to produce specific information. In other words, although the
second assignment rest A. a free choice of subject B. a general form C. a large category of information D. an open assignment [多选题]农村扶贫开发,是指通过提供政策、资金、技术、人才等方面的支持,帮助扶贫对象___,增强扶贫对象自我发展能力、实现脱贫的活动。
A. 发展生产 B. 完善公共服务 C. 发展教育 D. 壮大经济 [单选题]对文物古迹造成的破坏不易避免的是( )
A.自然性的破坏 B.人为的间接破坏 C.偷盗破坏 D.因愚昧无知造成的破坏 [单选题]不能用防火墙分隔的开口部位,宜设置()。
A.干式系统 B.水幕系统 C.雨淋系统 D.湿式系统 [不定项选择题]共用题干
The Differences Among Various Types of Adoption
In the US,there is a difference between public and private adoption.Public adoption typically involves taking _________ (51) foster(收养的)children and then adopting them after several months.It's significantly less expensive than private or international adoption,but more often than not_______(52)adopting children who are older than 5 or who have_______(53)needs. Private adoptions offer a better chance of adopting newborns,and increasingly,birth parents _______(54)the adoptive parents themselves.That's not a bad idea on its face,as it gives biological parents_______ (55)say in whom they will relinquish(放弃)their children. But this effectively puts_______(56)parents in the position of advertising themselves to birth parents in newspapers and online,_______(57)many couples feel uncomfortable with. Most states allow birth parents to reclaim their children_______(58)the children have been placed with adoptive families,for time periods ranging from a few days in some states to several months in others.Critics of international adoption say this rarely happens.They are only_______ (59)right:it's true that American birth parents don't usually reclaim their children once they've been placed with their adoptive families,but they can and do_______(60)their minds before the papers are signed. International adoption is more expensive than any form of domestic adoption,but in many ways, it is also more straightforward.The_______(61)of a birth parent calling the adoption_______ (62)are effectively zero and while costs are high,they're also determined at the_______(63) and tend not to change as the_______(64)wears on. Couples seeking to adopt should consider all_______(65)and get a range of perspectives before deciding which method is best for them. _________(55) A.big B.major [多选题]调岗、复工人员必须进行( )培训,培训考核合格后方能上岗作业。 B.部门 C.班组 D.不用培训 E.安全知识 F.岗位知识 [判断题] 单相电能表型号系列代号为 D 。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]托运超限、超重货物时,托运人应提供申请使用的车种、车型、车数及( )。
A.加固方案 B.装载方案 C.装载加固方案 D.装载加固建议方案 [单项选择]受精卵应着床在子宫内膜的
A. 增生晚期 B. 分泌早期 C. 分泌晚期 D. 有蜕膜反应的子宫内膜 E. 月经前期 [判断题]香料烟成熟的适宜程序在生理阶段比烤烟稍早。
A. 10% B. 30% C. 50% D. 20% [判断题]“学校体育工作条例”和“学校卫生工作条例”是学校体育管理工作实施的指导依据。
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