Take the case of public education alone. The principal difficulty faced by the schools has been the tremendous increase in the number of pupils. This has been caused by the advance of the legal age for going into industry and the impossibility of finding a job even when the legal age has been reached. In view of the technological improvements in the last few years, business will require in the future proportionately fewer workers than ever before. The result will be still further raising of the legal age for going into employment, and still further difficulty in finding employment when that age has been attained. If we cannot put our children to work, we must put them in school.
We may also be quite confident that the present trend toward a shorter day and a shorter week will be maintained. We have developed and shall continue to have a new leisure class. Already the public agencies for adult education are swamped by the tide that has swept over them since the depression
A. How to improve the public education system.
B. How to solve the rising unemployment problem.
C. How to persuade local communities to provide more funds.
D. How to cope with the shortage of funds for public education.
When foreigners are sometimes asked
what seems most strange about American society, somewhere on the top of the list
will be the fact that the average citizen is allowed to possess guns. Although it is true that many people carry guns legally in the United States, it is also known that many who possess guns carry them illegally. Others, who don’t have guns, feel that guns can be acquired quite easily. A recent survey indicated that many high school students, especially in the inner cities, can acquire a gun with little difficulty, Some schools require students to pass through a metal detector similar to those found at airports before entering the school building. Police statistics also show that death by firearms is one of the leading causes of death among children under twenty and many citizens feel that owning on A. It is just a very practical weapon to stop crime. B. Guns are easier to use than knives. C. It is fashionable today to possess a gun. D. They need a gun for self-protection. [判断题]非法从事出版物的出版、印刷、复制、发行业务,严重扰乱市场秩序,情节特别严重的,以非法经营同类营业罪定罪处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]芯撑的熔点要()浇注金属的熔点。
A. 稍高于 B. 稍低于 C. 等同于 [单项选择]《老人与海》是美国著名作家——20世纪50年代的重要作品。
A. 海明威 B. 福克纳 C. 杰克·伦敦 D. 海勒 [单选题]空中什么时候APU会被关掉?
A.把电瓶电门放到OFF位 B.MAINT(维护)灯亮的时候 C.右主油箱的燃油LOWPRESSURE(低压)灯亮的时候 [判断题]在创新时,逆向思维方式可以摆脱反向思维对思路的束缚,并通过反方向的思考,产生超常规的构思和新观点。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]胃液分析中,目前认为五肽胃泌素刺激法是标准的胃酸刺激法,其优点是
A. 最大酸量与壁细胞数量有平行关系 B. 主要用于迷走神经切断术后疗效的观察 C. 可以了解进餐前后的胃分泌反应 D. 试验安全,无副作用 E. 因为不用给患者插管,减少了患者的痛苦 [多项选择]工作要素法的工作分析系统包括的步骤是( )。
A. 收集工作要素 B. 整理工作要素 C. 产生绩效标准 D. 确定各类要素 E. 划分工作分析维度 [单选题]配戴者远用视力持续性模糊,证实( )。
A.远用球镜过负欠正 B.远用球镜过正欠负 C.远用柱镜轴位或焦度有误 D.远瞳距有误 [判断题]全日制研究生申请国家助学贷款,每人每年申请贷款额度不超过12000元。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]与齿轮传动相比,蜗轮蜗杆传动具有( )的特点。
A.传动效率高 B.单级传动比不能太大 C.自锁作用 D.承载能力低 [多选题]以下需要特别关注的人员有( )。
A.受到批评、处罚的人员 B.感情上遇到挫折的人员 C.即将退休、离岗的人员 D.新上岗、转岗和关键要害岗位的人员 [单项选择]腹中结块柔软,时聚时散,攻窜胀痛,脘胁胀闷不适,苔薄,脉弦。治疗方法宜首选
A. 理气化痰,导滞散结 B. 祛瘀软坚,兼调脾胃 C. 补益气血,活血化瘀 D. 疏肝解郁,行气散结 E. 理气消积,活血散瘀 [单项选择]()“曲三”用什么顷刻间连毙三个武林高手?
A. 连环腿 B. 无名掌 C. 袖箭 D. 铁八卦 我来回答: 提交