Conversation 1
M: I went to Professor Smith’s office to turn in my paper yesterday, but I found the door was locked.
W: Why did you go there yesterday It was Saturday.
M: Well, you told me to hand it in on Saturday.
W: I said nothing of the sort. What I actually said was you had to turn in your paper by Friday.
M: Oh, really That’s too bad. Professor Smith will be mad at me since I have been late in turning in my homework for a few times this term already.
W: Oh, he will understand. It’s not easy for you to study and work part time as well. But you do need to give him an apology.
M: Yes, I’ll do that.
If adults liked to read books that were
exceedingly difficult, they’ d all be reading Proust. Most don’ t. So why, reading experts ask, do schools expect children to read — and love to read — when they are given material that is frequently too hard for them Science and social studies textbooks arc at least a grade above the reading levels of many students, experts say, and in some suburban and urban school systems, reading lists can include books hard for some adults to tackle. Toni Morrison’s award-winning novel "Beloved," about a former slave’ s decision to kill her child rather than see her enslaved, is on some middle schools’ lists for kids to read unassisted. And elementary schools sometimes ask students to read books such as "The Bridge to Terabithia," with themes about death and gen A. children should read books nominated for the National Book Award. B. children should read less graphic novels. C. children should read more graphic novels. D. children should not read novels in their spare time unless they like. [单选题]新参加电气工作的人员、实习人员和临时参加劳动的人员(管理人员、非全日制用工等),应经过()后,方可到现场参加指定的工作,并且不得单独工作。
A.岗位技能培训 B.安全知识教育 C.领导批准 D.电气知识培训 E.略 F.略 [单选题]因擅自变更( )或施工计划造成行车事故的,由( )单位负主要责任,监理单位负重要责任。
A.设计、施工 B.设计、设计 C.设计、擅自变更 D.设计、建设 [多选题]公司规定,客舱内可装货的位置为____
A.座椅上 B.座椅下 C.行李架中(装有客舱应急设备、机组飞行箱、备份资料箱、圆型船的行李架除外) D.后厨房 E.衣帽间内 F.行李架中 [多选题]如一时不能恢复冒顶区的正常通风,则可以利用( )向被埋压或截堵的人员供给新鲜空气。
A.压风管 B.巷道 C.水管 D.打钻 [单项选择]感冒咳嗽的主证是( )
A. 阵发性痉挛性咳嗽,咳毕有回吼声,日轻夜重 B. 咳嗽,发热,流涕,经治表证解后,咳嗽渐止 C. 突发阵发性痉咳,有异物吸入史 D. 发热,咳嗽,痰壅,气急鼻煽 E. 咳嗽无定时,夜间较多,喉间哮吼痰鸣 我来回答: 提交