The United States has historically had
higher rates of marriage than those of other industrialized countries. The
current annual marriage (56) in the United States--about 9
new marriages for every 1,000 people--is (57) higher than it
is in other industrialized countries. However, marriage is (58)
as widespread as it was several decades ago. (59)
of American adults who are married (60) from 72 percent in
1970 to 60 percent in 2002. This does not mean that large numbers of people will
remain unmarried (61) their lives. Throughout the 20th
century, about 90 percent of Americans married at some (62)
in their lives. Experts (63) that about the same proportion
of today’s young adults will eventually marry. The timing of marriage has varied (64) over the past century. In 1995 the A. potentially B. intentionally C. randomly D. substantially [单项选择]根据《建设项目环境影响评价资质管理办法》,评价机构每年须填写“建设项目环境影响评价机构年度业绩报告表”,于()前报国家环境保护总局。
A. 当年年底 B. 次年1月底 C. 次年2月底 D. 次年3月底 [单选题]在行政诉讼中,适用简易程序审理的行政案件,应当
在立案之日起()内审结。 A.十五天 B.三十天 C.四十五天 D.六十天 [单选题]无人机制造商编写的随机文档《无人机所有者/信息手册》( )。
A.需经局方批准 B.不需局方批准 C.特殊飞行器需局方批准 [单项选择]中央处理器(CPU)可以直接访问的计算机部件是______。
A. 内存 B. 硬盘 C. 运算器 D. 控制器 [单项选择]
However important we may regard school life to be, there is no denying the fact that children spend more time at home than in the classroom. Therefore, the great influence of parents cannot be ignored or discounted by the teacher. They can become strong allies of the school personnel or they can consciously or unconsciously hinder and frustrate curricular objectives. [单项选择]桃仁既能活血祛瘀,又能润肠通便,并能()
A. 行气止痛 B. 止咳平喘 C. 利水消肿 D. 解毒消痈 E. 凉血止血 [判断题]为了防止水、湿气、光热和冲击碰撞对物品造成的破坏而进行的内部包装被称为个装。
[判断题]地方各级人民政府应当每日升挂国旗。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]现有民用无人机多数在大气的哪一层内运行。
A.平流层 B.热层 C.对流层 [单项选择]以下关于上颌后堤区的描述,哪项是错误的
A. 该区组织柔软,有一定可让性 B. 是上颌全口义齿后缘的封闭区 C. 在义齿承受压力时,该区组织可随义齿而移动 D. 在模型上可采用刮除石膏的方法形成后堤区 E. 后堤区可作为排牙的标志 [判断题]《岗位作业指导书》中要求如车体出库较晚可提前到各自车厢对应站台位置,白线内等候接车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]油气集输系统将分散在油田各处的油井产出液加以收集、分离成原油、()
A.半生天然气和采出水 B.气田气和采出水 C.半生液化气和采出水 D.半生天然气和气田水 [填空题]在采取所有可能的措施或一切必要的法律程序之后,贷款本息仍无法收回的或只能收回极少部分的贷款应属于五级分类中的()类不良贷款。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列哪些材料可用作水平接地体?()。
A. 圆钢 B. 扁钢 C. 角钢 D. 钢管 [多选题]撰写调查报告内容主要包括()
A. 借款人基本情况,借款人经营情况 B. 借款人信用情况,申请贷款情况 C. 担保情况,贷款风险分析 D. 财务状况及市场分析 [简答题]简述人力资源在中国的发展。
A.结束后 B.过程中 C.前 [单项选择]据报道,现在有些医院已采取了一些隔离措施,使体格检查置于一个相对封闭的环境中,以免受检病人曝光于众人面前。更确切地说这些措施反映了医院和医生哪一种医德意识()
A. 服务意识 B. 管理意识 C. 保护病人隐私意识 D. 有利于病人的意识 E. 热爱医学事业的意识 [填空题] 加强火场排烟散热,防止高温造成建筑( )。
[单选题]关于建筑结构检测的抽样方案,以下说法不正确的是?( )
A.外部缺陷的检测,宜选用全数检测方案 B.几何尺寸与尺寸偏差的检测,宜选用一次或二次计数抽样方案 C.结构连接构造的检测,应选择对结构安全影响大的部位进行抽样 D.按检测批检测的项目,应进行全数检测 [简答题]HXN3型机车前转向架和相模块风机电流传感器TMBL1A作用?6Z1J
[单项选择]If we were asked exactly what we were doing a year ago, we should probably have to say that we could not remember. But if we had kept a book and had written on it an aceount(记录) of what we did each day, we should be able to give an answer to the question.
It is the same in history. Many things have been forgotten because we do not have any written account of them. Sometimes people did keep a record of the most important happenings in their country, but often it was destroyed by fire or in a war. Sometimes there was never written record at all because the people of that time and place did not know how to write. For example, we know a good deal about the people who lived in China 4000 years ago, because they could write and leave written records for those who lived after them. But we know almost nothing about the people who lived even 200 years ago in central Africa, because they had not learned to write. Sometimes, of course, even if the people can not write, they may know som A. "Remembered history", compared with written history, is less reliable. B. Written records of the past play a most important role in our learning of the human history. C. A written account of our daily. activities helps us to be able to answer any questions. D. Where there are no written records, there is no history. [单选题]在一份笔试题中,哪种题型更容易在同班或不同班学生之间进行成绩比较
A.命题式作文题 B.选择题型 C.正误判断题型 [简答题]
赵某,女,29岁,系某市民政局财务处出纳员。2002年初,市人民政府委托某建设银行发行建设某市的奖券,每张30元,5年还本。中一等奖者奖给三室一厅的住房一套,中二等奖奖给二室一厅的住房地套。企事业单位、机关团体和个人均可购头,购买时不留印鉴,买后也不挂失,并要求开奖前一天,各单位必须将本单位购买的奖券全部登记封存。 该民政局代职工购买了一部分奖券,后因部分职工有意见,财务处在开奖前,从不愿购买奖券的职工手中将奖券收上来,作为本单位购买的奖券。但在开奖的前一天,财务处没有将奖券登记封存。2002年3月17日中奖号码公布,赵某发现自己负责保管的奖券中,有一张中了一等奖,号码是336637。赵某乘人不注意,用30元将这张中一等奖的奖券偷换出来。这张奖券是从某一不愿购买的职工手中收上来的。很快,全单位职工都知道本单位买的奖券中有一张中了一等奖,可在赵某保管的奖券中却没有这张奖券。局领导得知这一情况后,多次找赵谈话。开始,赵矢口否认,拒不坦露真情,后来实在瞒不住了,才于3月27日将那张奖券交了出来。 根据上述案情,请回答下列问题:
[单选题]某公司月初结存乙材料的计划成本为250万元,材料成本差异为超支45万元;当月入库乙材料的计划成本为550万元,当月材料成本差异为节约85万元;当月生产车间领用乙材料的计划成本为600万元,则当月生产车间领用乙材料的实际成本为( )万元。
A.502.5 B.570.0 C.630.0 D.697.5 [判断题]M2线电压框架保护动作后只报警不跳闸。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]3.24. 第24题
正常运行时,消弧线圈中无电流通过。而当电网受到雷击或发生单相电弧性接地时,中性点电位将上升到相电压,这时流经消弧线圈的电感性电流与单相接地的电容性故障电流相互抵消,使故障电流得到补偿,补偿后的残余电流变得很小,不足以维持电弧,从而自行熄灭。 A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]小王:金庸的武侠小说《倚天屠龙记》实在太好看了,我一口气就把它读完了。小李:金庸这部小说有一百万字,你不可能一口气读完看看上述的对话,小李对小王的话语评价是不是正确的。
[单选题]超声波探伤仪的垂直线性不好会给缺陷的( )带来误差。
A.定位 B.定量 C.定性 D.确认 [单选题]精神分裂症最常见的幻觉形式是( )
A. 视幻觉 B. 听幻觉特别是语言性幻听 C. 嗅幻觉与味幻觉 D. 内脏性幻觉 E. 触幻觉 [简答题] One of the top selling U.S. novels of the past year has been The Da Vinci Code, by Dan Brown, a story of modern day (47)______ old mysteries and secret codes hidden in works of art. Now comes another best seller offering a similar kind of mix. It’’s called The Rule of Four and it was written by first time novelists Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason. But while The Da Vinci Code offers new revelations into some of the great icons of West European visual art, The Rule of Four (48)______ on the campus of an elite American University, and it revolves around a 15th century literary (49)______.
Ian Caldwell and Dustin Thomason say they became literary partners around the same time they became best friends in the third grade. The two joined forces to write a crime play while attending (50)______ school in suburban Washington, D.C. They continued writing together throughout their school years, even though they went off to different colleges, Ian to Princeton and Dustin to Harvard. A wee
[单选题]出土车轨道终端,必须( )
A.有人指挥 B.不准乱堆土石 C.安装限制装置 D.装卸有序 [多选题]接收抵债资产原则上应以信贷押品为主,不得随意变更,下列财产一般不得用于抵偿债务:
A.抵债资产欠缴和应缴的各种税费已接近、等于或高于该资产评估价值的 B.伪劣、变质、残损或不易储存、保管的资产 C.公益性质的生活设施、教育设施、医疗卫生设施等 D.已确定要被无偿征用的土地使用权 [判断题]在Excel2007中,不能在不同的工作簿之间移动或复制工作表。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交