Passage Five
Theories accounting for the physical process of color vision have undergone many changes since 1801, when Thomas Young first suggested that three types of cone in the retina respond to stimulus from red, green and blue light, or a mixture of these three basic colors. This concept of "additive" color has been retained with modifications made, as new discoveries of the eye’s functions have been uncovered. Today, the most popular theory is that there are color opponent cells in the eye that work to excite response to one basic color and inhibit another, while achromatic cells respond to whiteness or darkness. The interactions between these cells produce the huge range of colors that we see.
When it comes to naming these colors, however, an entirely different process takes over language. At one stage it was believed that language defined how one viewed the world, by restricting perceptions to terms available within each language. T
A. They discovered that all cultures have 11 basic colors.
B. They learned more about the physical structure of the eye.
C. They discovered that people with few color terms could see as well as people with many color terms.
D. They discovered that people with fewer color terms could actually see fewer colors.
{{B}}A Health Profile
(概貌){{/B}} A health profile is, a portrait of all of the factors that influence your health. To draw your health pro- file, you will{{U}} (51) {{/U}}what diseases run in your family, what health hazards you may be exposed to {{U}} (52) {{/U}}work, how your daily{{U}} (53) {{/U}}compares to the recommended standards, how much time per week you{{U}} (54) {{/U}}exercising and what type of exercise you engage{{U}} (55) {{/U}}, how stressful your work and family environments are, what kinds of illnesses you get regularly, and{{U}} (56) {{/U}}or not you have any one Of a number of. addictions.{{U}} (57) {{/U}}this portrait, you should have a checkup to determine how your blood, heart, and lungs are functioning. This checku A. diet B. meals C. food D. dinner [单选题]感应电机类型分布式电源接入10千伏配电网时,并网点开关应配置高/低压保护装置,具备电压保护跳闸及检有压合闸功能,检有压定值宜整定为(____)UN。
A.0.8 B.0.85 C.0.9 D.保护范围不定 [单选题]( ) 方钻杆上、下旋塞、箭形止回阀、浮阀等属于()。
A. 井口装置 B. 井控管汇 C. 内防喷工具 D. 井控仪表 [判断题]音响刚开机时可以用最大音量听音乐。
[单选题]消防水鹤是主体形同鹤颈,通常涂成( )。
A.绿色 B.黄色 C.红色 D.蓝色 [判断题]智能一体机办理定期一本通子账户开户可直接使用现金办理。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]属于质量管理体系标准的是()。
A.ISO/CD14690 B.GB/T19001-2000 C.Q/SY1002.1-2007 D.GB/T24001-2004 [单选题]广东联通5G网络建设进展,其中广州、()正在大规模进行5G基站的配套改造和站点开通工作。
A.上海 B.北京 C.深圳 D.浙江 [单项选择]我国发现的抗疟新药青蒿素,作为开发抗疟药的先导化合物发现的途径是()。
A. 从随机筛选中发现 B. 从生命基础研究中发现 C. 从天然产物中发现 D. 经组合化学方法发现 [单项选择]项目经理和项目行政人员都由公司派人专职担任的管理组织模式是( )。
A. 强矩阵式 B. 弱矩阵式 C. 平衡矩阵式 D. 职能式 [判断题]触电者神志不清,判断意识无,有心跳,但呼吸停止或极微弱时,应立即用仰头抬颏法,使气道开放,并对触电者施行心脏按压。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]下列做法中,可以提高审计程序的不可预见性的有()
A. 针对销售收入和销售退回延长截止测试期间 B. 向以前没有询问过的被审计单位员工询问 C. 对以前通常不测试的金额较小的项目实施实质性程序 D. 对被审计单位银行存款年末余额实施函证 [多项选择]造林施工设计搜集社会经济情况资料包括()。
A. 气象 B. 土地利用情况 C. 水文 D. 交通运输 [判断题]ADS-C主要应用在非雷达环境条件下,如海洋、沙漠、高原等地区。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交