An old man visited a new doctor. He was
very young. "I don’t feel well, doctor," he said, "Please find out what’s wrong
with me." "Take off your clothes and lie on the bed," the young doctor said, "I’ll examine you." The old man took off his clothes and lay down on the bed, and the young doctor examined him. However, he couldn’t find anything wrong with the old man. He listened to his heart. He looked into his throat. He examined every part of him. At last he said, "I’m sorry, but I can’t find anything wrong with you. You’re as healthy as I am." "That’s very strange," the old man said, "because I feel really bad." "Come back tomorrow and see me again if you don’t feel better." The young doctor said, "I’ll examine you again." "All right, doctor," the old man said. Slowly, he st [单选题]‗年12月31日起实施的集团《上海轨道交通DCC管理规定》中指出,多条线路共用一个停车场为DCC( )情况。
A.多场多线 B.一场多线 C.一线多场 D.以上都不是 [判断题]在车站的正线和到发线上,应设进站信号机。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]郭小川()年代政治抒情诗的代表作是具有辞赋体特点的《甘蔗林——青纱帐》。
[单选题](27791)转动手制动机手轮时各部件应灵活无( )现象。
A.打滑 B.卡滞 C.转动 D.运动 [多项选择]下列推拿手法中,需要与患者体表发生摩擦的手法有()
A. 推法 B. 滚法 C. 摩法 D. 擦法 E. 捻法 [单项选择]利用歌诀或谐音来帮助记忆,这是利用了()
A. 复述策略 B. 精细加工策略 C. 组织策略 D. 元认知策略 [判断题]YSP型液化石油气钢瓶制作按充装容积大小,分别应参照两个国家标准进行。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]清洗大量的电路板应使用什么方法( )
A.水洗法 B.人工刷法 C.超声波清洗法 D.吸尘法 [单项选择]计算机使用PentiumⅢ800的芯片,其中的800指的是()。
A. 磁盘空间 B. 显示器的类型. C. 内存容量 D. 最大运算精度 E. CPU的主频 [多项选择]制成前药对药物进行化学结构修饰的目的有( )。
A. 改善药物的吸收 B. 改善药物的溶解性 C. 延长药物作用时间 D. 提高药物的稳定性 E. 改变药物的作用机理 我来回答: 提交