The Great Wall of China is the longest structure ever built. Its length is about 4,000 miles (6,400 kilometers), and it was erected entirely by hand. The wall crosses northern China between the east coast and north-central China.
Over the centuries, various rulers built walls to protect their northern border against invaders. Some of the walls stood on or near the site of the Great Wall. Most of what is now called the Great Wall dates from the Ming dynasty(1368-1644). Parts of the Great Wall have crumbled through the years. However, much of it remains, and some sections have been restored. The main part of the wall is about 2,150 miles(3,460 kilometers)long. Additional branches make up the rest of its length.
One of the highest sections of the Great Wall, on Mount Badaling, near Beijing, rises to about 35 feet(11 meters)high. This section is about 25 feet(7.6 meters)wide at its base and nearly 20 feet(6 me
A. Qin
B. Han
C. Sui
D. Ming
A group of people who share the same
interests and way of life is called a society. Sociology is the science that
examines human society. The term sociology is derived from the Latin word
socius, which means "companion, union of people". (80) {{U}}Sociologists are interested in how a society began and how it grew.{{/U}} They also study the levels within a society. For example, the child is part of the family, the family is part of the neighborhood, and the neighborhood is part of the community. There are many different groups, and sociologists are interested in the effect that these groups have on people. A Frenchman named Auguste Comte made sociology a separate science in the l’830s. He suggested that a new science was necessary to study a society of people. A famous book, Principles of Sociology, was published by a A. Comte B. Spencer C. Latin D. Darwin [简答题]主变压器的四个绕组分别称为基本绕组、调压绕组、辅助绕组和___。
[单选题]柴油机启动时,当进入油压继电器的油压达( )kPa时,油压继电器触头吸合,DLS接通,联合调节器恢复正常工作。
A.70 B.90 C.120 [单选题]射孔作业检测雷管时,检测人员应当使用爆破欧姆表测量,下深超过( )米方可接通电源。
A.A、50 B.B、70 C.C、100 [填空题]能采用阳离子、阴离子与自由基聚合的单体是()
[单选题]倒闸操作前不核对设备、违规跳项、漏项操作,或擅自解锁操作。属于( )违章。
A.闯红线 B.特别严重 C.严重 D.一般 [简答题]所使用的钾标准溶液都由什么配制而成?
A. Begg细丝弓矫治器 B. 口若悬河外上颌前方牵引矫治器 C. 方丝弓矫治器 D. 上颌双侧胎垫矫治器 E. 舌习惯矫治器 [单选题]在压下量一定的条件下,轧辊(),轧件易咬入。
A.辊径大 B.转速快 C.辊径小 D.转速慢 [判断题]井下爆炸材料库,贮存爆炸材料库房两端的通道与库房连接处必须设置齿形阻波墙。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]有关煎药方法,黄土汤中的灶心土宜(),大承气汤中的大黄宜()
A. 这些岁时佳节都直接或间接地与农业生产相关,其节庆活动表现了闽台人民勤劳勇敢、奋发进取的精神及渴望征服自然、期盼丰收、追求美好生活的愿望。 B. 节庆祭祀活动,虽各有侧重,但都不外乎保平安、求健康的主题,表现了闽台人民不甘屈服,敢于斗争;珍惜生命,热爱生活的精神。 C. 祭祖和会飨是所有传统节庆活动必不可少的内容,表现了闽台人民饮水思源,不忘根本,崇德报功,尊老爱幼;亲近邻里,团结族人;乐善好施,扶危救困等种种美德。 D. 所有节庆活动都是集体的娱乐活动,具有劳逸结合,苦中作乐;促进团结,加深友谊;惩戒邪恶,鼓励向善;传播知识,展示文化等多种功能。 [简答题]已知湿空气的温度t=18℃、露点td=8℃,试求其相对湿度、绝对湿度及含湿量。如将上述湿空气加热到40℃,其相对湿度、绝对湿度各为多少?已知大气压力为0.1MPa。
[多选题]原蚕春期适熟叶的叶位选择标准是( )
A.收蚁用第2.叶 B.第l龄用第3.叶 C.第2.龄用第3.—4.叶 D.第3.龄用第4.—5.叶 [单项选择]最先对Z[i]进行研究的人是()。
A. 牛顿 B. 柯西 C. 高斯 D. 伽罗瓦 我来回答: 提交