多数幼儿罹患该病的原因是()California has a new program called the Digital
Textbook Initiative. "Starting this fall with high school math and science, we
will be the first state in the nation to provide schools with a state-approved
list of digital textbooks. " That was Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger in
June,talking about his effort to get schools to use materials available free
online. He listed reasons why he thinks digital textbooks make sense. California approves traditional textbooks in six-year cycles. Digital ones can offer the latest information. They lighten the load of school bags. They save paper and trees, and make learning more fun and interactive. And above all, he said, they help schools with their finances. The state has had to make severe cuts in school spending because of deep financial problems. More than six million students atten A. help save money B. benefit the environment C. provide interesting materials D. reduce students’ heavy burden [单选题] 急性淋巴管炎最常见的发病病因是( )
A.静脉炎 B.足癣 C.血栓形成 D.甲沟炎 E.足部外伤 [单项选择]In the developed countries, the dominant factor in the next society will be something to which most people are only just beginning to pay attention: the rapid growth in the older population and the rapid shrinking of the younger generation. Politicians everywhere still promise to save the existing pensions system, but they and their constituents know perfectly well that in another 25 years people will have to keep working until their mid-70s, health permitting.
What has not yet sunk in is that a growing number of older people say those over 50 will not keep on working as traditional full-time nine-to-five employees, but will participate in the labor force in many new and different ways: as temporaries, as part-timers, as consultants, on special assignments and so on. What used to be personnel and are now known as human resources departments still assume that those who work for an organization are full-time employees. Employment laws and regulations are based on the same assumpti A. overall improvement of people’s health condition B. old people’s high qualification C. the lack of young employees D. the great need for more employees by new economy [单选题]单选题.钢梁受拉翼缘焊接盖板端部裂纹长度mm,应及时处理。
A.>20; B.≥20; C.>50; D.≥50 [多选题]量子家庭的激励,当年发放()%,次年6月发放()%
A.80 B.70 C.30 D.20 [单项选择]晚发性维生素K缺乏性出血症病因不包括()
A. 维生素K经胎盘转运不足,胎儿脐血中维生素K缺乏 B. 新生儿肠道内无细菌,维生素K的合成少 C. 母乳中维生素含量低,平均为15μg/L D. 长期应用营养液,可致维生素K缺乏 E. 婴儿由慢性腹泻、溃疡性结肠炎、肠切除、囊性纤维化等疾病引起的小儿肠道吸收不良,造成维生素K吸收障碍 [单项选择]庭审过程中,被告人赵某指出,公诉人的书记员李某曾在侦查阶段担任鉴定人,并据此要求李某回避。对于赵某的回避申请,下列哪一选项是正确的
A. 法庭应以不属于法定回避情形为由当庭驳回 B. 法庭应以符合法庭回避情形为由当庭做出回避决定 C. 李某应否回避需提交法院院长决定 D. 李某应否回避需提交检察院检察长决定 [判断题]未经调度同意擅自操作上级调度管辖的设备可吊销其《调度运行值班合格证书》,并以书面形式通知有关单位。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]设立用于实施非法获取、出售或者提供公民个人信息违法犯罪活动的网站、通讯群组,情节严重的,应当依照刑法第二百八十七条之一的规定,以( )定罪处罚;同时构成侵犯公民个人信息罪的,依照侵犯公民个人信息罪定罪处罚。
A.非法利用信息网络罪 B.非法传播信息罪 C.非法经营罪 [判断题]冲动式汽轮机蒸汽在喷嘴中不膨胀做功
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]三阴交穴的定位是()
A. 内踝尖上2寸,胫骨内侧面中央 B. 内踝尖上3寸,胫骨内侧面后缘 C. 内踝尖上3寸,胫骨内侧面前缘 D. 内踝尖上4寸,胫骨内侧面后缘 E. 内踝尖上5寸,胫骨内侧面前缘 [单选题]将学员特点、学习内容和开展教学设计所涉及的辅助服务,如技术人员、经费、设备、仪器和进度表等影响因素,加以综合考虑,统筹安排。它体现的是( )的主要优势。
A.迪克模型 B.肯普模型 C.加涅模型 D.布里格斯模型 [多项选择]西湖博物馆是集()为一体的国内第一座湖泊类专题博物馆。
A. 陈列展示中心 B. 西湖文献资料中心 C. 西湖学研究中心 D. 游客服务中心 [单选题]视网膜脱离行玻璃体注气手术的患者术后应采取的体位是:( )
A.仰卧位 B.半卧位 C.头低脚高位 D.低头或俯卧位 [判断题]由于饭店不能确保宾客的贵重物品的万无一失。饭店可规定对宾客贵重物品的最高赔偿限额,并将这一限额告知宾客,以免出现不必要的纠纷。
[单选题]( )严格执行安全操作规程的目的是( )。
A.限制工人的人身自由 B.企业领导刁难工人 C.保证人身和设备的安全以及企业的正常生产 D.增强领导的权威性 我来回答: 提交