下列哪项是对于该患者的初步诊断?() Research into self-awareness
consistently shows that most people think and speak highly of themselves. Time
and again, subjects see positive traits as more self-descriptive than negative
ones, they rate themselves more highly than they rate others, they rate
themselves more highly than they are rated by others, they overestimate their
contribution to team efforts, and they exaggerate their control over life
events. It’s not that we consciously flatter ourselves, either. The response is
more like a mindless reflex. In fact, when subjects are busy or distracted as
they make self-ratings, the judgments they come up with are quicker and even
more favorable. Most people also exhibit "unrealistic optimism", a tendency to predict a uniquely bright and rosy future for themselves. College students asked to predict their own future compared to that of their cl A. (A) Both men and women with unrealistic views of themselves are often disliked by others and seen as having negative characteristics. B. (B) Men who have positive illusions about themselves are considered less socially accepted than women with the same positive illusions about themselves. C. (C) Women with positive illusions are seen as likely to handle minor setbacks in social situations better than men are. D. (D) It is believed that men with positive illusions about themselves show more anger in social situations than women with positive illusions do. [不定项选择题]肠管脱出未见血流障碍的是( )。
A.易复性斜疝 B.难复性斜疝 C.嵌顿性斜疝 D.绞窄性斜疝 E.腹股沟直疝 [简答题]影响烧结机产量的因素有哪些?
[判断题]( )36、常用的灭火剂有水、泡沫、干粉、二氧化碳、水蒸气、卤代烷及其替代物、气溶胶、金属灭火剂、烟雾灭火剂等。易
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]女,婚后6年,曾流产3次,均在妊娠五十余天时。检查为黄体发育不全,月经规律,周期24天,经治疗半年后,此次基础体温双相,且超过平常该来月经时体温仍不下降。下一步处理何项最恰当:( )
A.毋须特殊治疗 B.前列腺素催经 C.人工周期疗法 D.雌激素治疗 E.黄体酮治疗 [单项选择]对于焊接钢件的去应力退火,一般加热温度为( )。
A. 150℃~250℃ B. 250℃~500℃ C. 500℃~550℃ D. 500℃~700℃ [单项选择]What does the speaker say about this year's business travellers
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