Music comes in many forms; most
countries have a style of their own. At the turn of the century when jazz was
born, America had no prominent (31) of its own. No one knows
exactly when jazz was invented, or by whom. But it began to be (32)
in the early 1900s. Jazz is America’s contribution to popular music.
In contrast to classical music, which (33) formal European
traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free form. It bubbles with energy,
expressing the moods, interests, and emotions of the people. In the 1920s
jazz (34) like America, and as it does today. The
(35) of this music are as interesting as the music itself.
American Negroes, or blacks, as they are called today, were the jazz pioneers.
They were brought to Southern States (36) slaves. They were
sold to plantation owners and forced to work long (37) A. for B. as C. with D. by [单项选择]下列不属于药品特殊性的是
A. 作用的两重性 B. 质量的重要性 C. 使用的限时性 D. 市场的竞争性 E. 治疗的专属性 [简答题]用于防水工程的灌浆材料主要分颗粒性灌浆材料、__________。
[单选题]采用钢板桩支护时,钢板桩的施工方法及布桩型式应满足相关规程、规范及技术标准的要求,坑底以下入土深度一般与沟槽深度之比不小于( )。( )
A.0.2 B.0.25 C.0.3 D.0.35 出自:《高压电缆及通道工程生产准备及验收工作审查要点》第二十二条(九) [单项选择]《高速铁路轨道工程施工质量验收标准》(TB 10754-2010)中规定:有砟轨道钢轨伸缩调节器铺设位置的控制里程与设计图位置的允许偏差为()mm。
A. ±10 B. ±20 C. ±50 D. ±100 [单项选择]100座及100座以上的餐馆,要求餐厅面积与厨房面积的比例是
A. 1:1.1 B. 1:1 C. 1:0.8 D. 1:0.5 E. 1:0.9 [判断题]在客户侧低压配电设备上进行停电作业,无法装设短路线时,应采取绝缘遮蔽或其他可靠隔离措施。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]党的各级代表大会的代表和委员会的产生选举可采取举手表决。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交