Once-daily Pill Could Simplify HIV
Treatment Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences have combined many HIV drugs into a single pill. Sometimes the best medicine is more than one kind of medicine. Malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/ AIDS, for example, are all treated with {{U}} (51) {{/U}} of drugs. But that can mean a lot of pills to take. It would be {{U}} (52) {{/U}} if drug companies combined all the medicines into a single pill, taken just once a day. Now, two companies say they have done that for people just {{U}} (53) {{/U}} treatment for HIV, the virus, that causes AIDS. The companies are Bristol-Myers Squibb and Gilead Sciences. They have {{U}} (54) {{/U}} a single pill that combines three drugs currently on the market. Bristol-Myes Squibb sells one A. social B. technical C. personal D. historical [单选题] 改变中共八大关于社会主要矛盾的正确判断,认为仍然是无产阶级和资产阶级、社会主义道路和资本主义道路矛盾的会议是( )
A.中共七届二中全会 B.中共七届三中全会 C.中共八大 D.中共八届三中全会 [多选题]反向曲线两超高顺坡终点间的夹直线长度可取( )
A.A.20m B.B. 25m C.C. 40m D.D.50m E.E.100m [不定项选择题]共用题干
I was blind,but I was ashamed of it if it was known.I refused to use a white stick and hated asking for help.After all,I was a teenager girl,and I couldn't bear people to look at me and think I was not like them. I must have been a terrible danger on the roads,coming across me wandering through the traffic,motorists probably would have to step rapidly on their brakes.Apart from that, there were all sorts of disasters that used to occur on the way to and from work. One evening,I got off the bus about halfway home where I had to change buses,and as usual I ran into something."I'm awfully sorry,"I said and stepped forward only to run into it again. When it happened a third time,I realized I had been apologizing to a lamppost. This was just one of the stupid things that constantly happened to me.So I carried on and found the bus stop,which was a request stop,where the bus wouldn't stop unless passengers wanted to get on or off. No one else was there and I had to try to guess if the bus had arrived. Generally in this situation,because I hated showing I was blind by asking for help,I tried to guess at the sound. Sometimes I would stop a big lorry and stand there feeling stupid as it drew away.In the end,I usually managed to swallow my pride and ask someone at the stop for help. But on this particular evening no one joined me at the stop;It seemed that everyone had suddenly decided not to travel by bus.Of course I heard plenty of buses pass,or I thought I did.But because I had given up stopping them for fear of making a fool of myself,I let them all go by.I stood there alone for half an hour without stopping one.Then I gave up.I decided to walk on to the next stop. At the request stop that evening,the girl________. A.stopped a big lorry B.stopped the wrong bus C.made no attempt to stop the bus D.was not noticed by other people [填空题]桑园在施肥时,春秋兼用的桑园应重施()。
A.10% B.30% C.60% D.80% E.100% [判断题]根据《关于进一步支持和鼓励事业单位科研人员创新创业的指导意见》,兼职创新、在职创办企业人员不可以在兼职单位或者创办企业申报职称。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]调车作业摘车时,必须停妥,按规定采取好( )措施,方可摘开车钩。
A. 井壁外观 B. 井壁厚度 C. 混凝土强度 D. 钢筋数量 [判断题].金属结构是起重机的承载构件,作业中它只承担小车 和吊装物件的重量
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]35岁,孕2产0,妊娠35周,1年前因妊娠5个月死胎而作引产术。产前检查:血压130/80mmHg,宫高36cm,胎心率140/min,空腹血糖7mmol/L,尿糖(+)。
A.B型超声检查 B.OGTT C.腹部X线拍片检查胎儿有无畸形 D.尿常规 E.自数胎动计数 [单项选择]电压互感器二次回路有工作而互感器不停用时应防止二次()。
[判断题]案例17 某35kV线路1-44号杆进行检修,当时风力4级,专责监护人监护1名工作班成员负责31-33号杆检修,二人走到与该线路平行带电的另一条35kV线路55号杆下,该杆塔看不清线路名称和杆号标识,在未认真核对线路名称、杆号,未使用个人保安线的情况下,开始登杆工作,工作班成员误登带电的线路杆塔进行工作时触电死亡。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]驻站联络员应加强与车站值班员联系,双线区段反向来车时,驻站联络员应及时通知现场防护员转报( )。
A. 带班人员; B.职工; C.民工; D.施工负责人。 [单选题]较大事故隐患判定标准由( )组织制定,重大事故隐患判定标准执行国家有关规定。
A.集团公司总经理 B.集团公司董事会 C.集团公司专业部门 D.集团公司安全环保部门 [单选题]关于网点负责人岗位职责,下列说法错误的是:_________。
A.全面负责网点服务管理、人员管理、环境管理,是网点现场管理的第一责任人;处理网点服务突发情况和客户投诉。 B.承担网点临柜业务监督职责,组织柜面业务运行,规范柜面经理和大堂经理操作行为,加强柜面业务操作风险管控。 C.负责网点整体营销业绩的达成,对营销工作实施过程管控和绩效管理;监督网点营销和销售操作合规性。 D.负责开展公私联动营销,策划组织营销活动,指导员工更新营销理念和开展营销活动。 [单项选择]从古至今都没有长生不老的人,但每个人的寿命都极不相同,从生物学和医学上来看,人类的寿命应该有一个生物学上的最大值,不过目前尚不能确定人类的最高寿命有多高。这一段话主要支持这样一种观点,即人的寿命( )。
A. 是无限的 B. 究竟有多高我们是无法知道的 C. 应该有极限,但目前还未被发现 D. 对不同的人是不一样的 [单选题]某到发线有效长890m,机车长度30m,按11m计算其换算容车数是( )。
A.75辆 B.78辆 C.76辆 D.79辆 [单选题]HXD3 电力机车牵引电动机用冷却风机中的惯性分离过滤器在牵引风机的( )使用。
A.排风侧 B.进风侧 C.中部 [单选题]在低温作业环境下,搭载有效荷载的无人机巡检系统(含电池)具备起飞、( )、降落和续航功能。
A.悬停 B.自转 C.前进 [单选题]编制防震减灾(),应当遵循统筹安排、突出重点、合理布局、全面预防的原则,以震情和震害预测结果为依据,并充分考虑人民生命和财产安全及经济社会发展、资源环境保护等需要。
A.预案 B.规划 C.总结 [多选题]危险化学品仓库的火灾特点是( )。
A.燃烧猛烈,蔓延迅速,发生爆炸 B.危险化学品相互作用,不确定因素大 C.火情复杂多变,灭火剂选择难度大 D.产生有毒气体,发生化学性灼伤,扑救难度大 [判断题]( )特种设备检验检测机构和检验检测人员对检验检测结果、鉴定结论负责。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]土地革命的路线主要是:依靠贫农,联合中农,限制富农,消灭(),变封建的土地所有制为农民的土地所有制;以乡为单位,按人口平均分配土地,在原耕地基础上,抽多补少,抽肥补瘦等。
A.帝国主义 B.资产阶级 C.地主阶级 D.奴隶主阶级 [单项选择]足少阳经的络穴是()。
A. 阳白 B. 光明 C. 悬钟 D. 绝骨 E. 丘墟 我来回答: 提交