Adam Smith, a writer in the 1700s, was
the first person to see the importance of the division of labor and to explain
part of its advantages. He gives as an example the process by which pins were
made in England. "One man draws out the wire, another strengthens it, a third
cuts it, a fourth points it, a fifth grinds it at the top to prepare it to
receive the head. To make the head requires two or three distinct operations. To
put it on is a separate operation, to polish the pins is another. And the
important business of making pins is, in this manner, divided into about
eighteen distinct operations, which in some factories are all performed by
different people, though in others the same man will sometimes perform two or
three of them," Ten men, Smith said, in this way, turned out twelve pounds of pins a day or about 4 800 pin A. show the advantages of the division of labor B. emphasize how powerful the individual worker was C. show the advantages of the old craft system D. emphasize the importance of increased production [单选题]TYJL-ADX型计算机联锁,JetCon1301型光电转换器上TP指示灯处于绿闪状态表示该机状态是()
A.以太网口 通信正常 B.以太网口通信不正常 C.无通信 D.光口通信正常 [多项选择]树立全局观念,就要求邮政支局长在思考和处理问题时,一定要从全局的利益出发,正确处理好()的关系。
A. 集体权利和个人权利 B. 全局利益和局部利益 C. 集体利益和个人利益 D. 全局战略和局部战术 [单选题]动火工作票由动火()填写。
A.工作负责人 B.作业人员 C.检修人员 D.工作许可人 [填空题]调查法包括()、()、()和()四种。
[单选题] 养老护理员必需具有( )。
A.正确的劳动态度 B.较强的个人意识 C.较高的文化素质 D.较好的外表形象 [多选题]根据《国家电网有限公司基建安全管理规定》,下列关于施工人员职责说法正确的是()。
A.正确使用安全防护用品、工器具 B.参加作业前的安全技术交底 C.自觉遵守本岗位工作相关的安全规程 D.作业前检查工作场所,落实安全防护措施 [判断题]《客运系统防止触碰红线具体措施》中规定:加强临时停车组织工作。列车在非本次列车营业站或区间临时停车时,列车长要组织各车厢乘务员坚守岗位,加强车内巡视,确保车门处于锁闭状态,严禁旅客上下列车。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Passage Four
For many of us, asking for help is a difficult concept. We may feel as if we are admitting a weakness that world would not have known about, had we not asked for help.
Ironically, it’s been my experience that people who are able to deliver well-positioned requests for help are seen as very strong individuals. When they demonstrate the humility(谦卑) to ask for help, they earn the respect of others. People who receive a heartfelt request for help are usually honored by the request. In turn, we are strengthened by the very help that is provided.
One of my clients (we’ll call her Kira) recently made shift in how she was interacting with her boss. When asked to prepare presentations, she assumed that she was expected to go away, develop the content, deliver it at the required meeting and then wait for feedback from her boss. Her boss was highly regarded for the impact of his presentations, while Kira often that her presentations were lacking. When she took a hard l
A. illustrate how to ask for help B. show the importance of mutual help C. call for attention to other’s requests D. encourage people to ask for help [判断题]冲压加工只能加工形状简单的零件。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]机动车平稳起步的关键在于( )及手动杆的协调配合。
A.加速踏板和制动踏板 B.离合器踏板和加速踏板 C.离合器踏板和制动踏板 D.离合器踏板、加速踏板和制动踏板 [单选题]电气设备中低压电器设备的电压等级在( )
A.220V以下 B.400V及以下 C.1000V以下 D.1000V及以下 E.略 F.略 [多选题]起重吊装作业,起重指挥信号应()。
A.简明 B.统一 C.畅通 D.准确 我来回答: 提交