There are two sorts of people in the
world, who with equal degrees of health, and wealth, and the other comforts of
life, become, the one happy, and tile other miserable. This arises very much
from the different views in which they consider things, persons, and
events. In whatever situation men can be placed, they may find conveniences and inconveniencies; in whatever company, they may find persons and conversation more or less pleasing; at whatever table, they may meet with meats or drinks of better and worse taste, dishes better or worse dressed; in whatever climate they will find good and bad weather; under whatever government, they may find good and bad laws, and good and bad administration of those laws; in every poem or work of genius they may see faults and beauties; in almost every face and eve A. They are often born with this disagreeable nature. B. They focus on the inconveniences of things. C. They often offend others. D. They are not popular in social occasions. [判断题]促使炉料下降的是重力,炉料在静止时重量系数比炉料运动时大。
[单选题]根据《变电安规》,作业时,起重机应置于平坦、坚实的地面上,机身倾斜度不准超过( )的规定。不准在暗沟、地下管线等上面作业;不能避免时,应采取防护措施,不准超过暗沟、地下管线允许的承载力。
A.制造厂 B.本单位 C.国家 D.行业 [单选题]患者男性,20岁。 近5个月来出现左膝盖上部疼痛进行性加重,夜间明显。查体:患侧膝上局部皮温增高,浅静脉怒张,局部肿胀明显。最可能的诊断是
A.骨肉瘤 B.骨关节结核 C.软骨瘤 D.骨巨细胞瘤 E.骨髓炎 [多选题]单位外汇定期存款的存期有:()
A.一个月 B.六个月 C.两年 D.三年 [简答题].跑步时,小臂略平,稍向里合,两拳内侧各距衣扣线约多少厘米?(简单)
A.二等 B.三等 C.四等 D.五等 我来回答: 提交