为确诊应进行的实验室检查是() In ancient times most cultures and
civilizations made some reference to the origin of their languages. However,
they did not study language by observation or experimentation - at least as far
as we can judge from records that have survived to this day. Most comments on
the origins of languages come to us in folk-tales or religious writings. But the
Greek historian Herodetus tells us one experiment. An Egyptian king named Psammetichos wished to find out which was the world’s oldest language. To gain this information he decided to isolate two newborn babies until they began to speak. Because they were kept from adults, they would have no patterns to imitate. The king made the assumption that the children would speak what was a natural language’ - which would the oldest. After some months the children were beard to make a sound A. the first word a child is able to utter in any language is "bread". B. the Phrygian language was the oldest language of mankind. C. the earliest word in any language is that for "bread". D. the Phrygian language was a language spoken in Asia Minor. [简答题]如何检保电缆孔?
[单选题]邓小平在南方谈话中强调,基本路线要管( ),动摇不得。
A.A、50年 B.B、100年 C.C、150年 [单项选择]重点能源消费单位的节能监督管理,依照( )的规定执行。
A. 《中华人民共和国土地管理法》 B. 《中华人民共和国产品质量法》 C. 《中华人民共和国节约能源法》 D. 《中华人民共和国循环经济促进法》 [单项选择]医师可以行使特殊的干涉权的是()
A. 对需要隔离的传染病患者拒绝隔离的 B. 在教学医院内住院的患者拒绝接受医学生实习 C. 在有科研任务的医院内住院的患者拒绝作为受试者 D. 门诊就医的患者拒绝按医师开出的特殊检查项目进行检查 E. 门诊就医的患者拒绝向医师吐露与疾病有关的隐私 [单选题]消防调度的一般要求是加强首批、力量适度、( )。
A.增援迅速 B.加强第一出动 C.全部出动 D.破拆得当 [单项选择]符合蔗糖形成翻砂的基本条件是( )。
A. 加热过程温度超过120℃ B. 加热过程遇到酸性物质 C. 脱水加热过程中温度过高 D. 脱水后的高温糖液迅速降温 [多选题]在城市规划和建设中,需要考虑日照条件的情况有( )。
A.建筑物的朝向、间距 B.建筑物的高度及层数 C.建筑群体的布局 D.建筑施工期 E.城市道路的走向和宽度 [单项选择]在德国,婚礼仪式要举行()次。
A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 [单选题]下列元素中,核苷酸碱基不含的是( )
A.氮 B.磷 C.氢 D.碳 E.氧 [单选题]高压回路上使用钳形电流表的测量工作,至少应两人进行。非运维人员测量时,应()。
A.填用配电第一种工作票 B.填用配电第二种工作票 C.填用配电带电作业工作票 D.按口头或电话命令执行 [判断题]ZD6系列道岔手摇道岔直至空转,突然松开手摇把,手摇把有明显反转,出现这种现象的原因,有可能是外部卡阻。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]个人独资企业不具有法人资格,不是独立的民事主体,但可以以自己的名义从事民事活动。( )
A. 平台惯导 B. 捷联惯导 C. GPS [单选题]躯()固定气囊的维护保养和注意事项表述错误的是()。
A.将固定气囊平坦的铺在地上,尽量避免尖锐物和杂物,防止损坏保护套。 B.抬起头颈、手、脚部位要尽量轻而迅速。 C.脊椎伤员搬动应合力整体搬动,防止二次受伤。 D.气囊沾上污物后,应及时用酸性洗剂清洗,在阳光下尽快晾干。 [判断题]居民用电以及用电容量在100千伏安(千瓦)以下的其他用户,不实行功率因数调整。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
Human Resource Management (9) ... For the last 20 years, empirical work has paid particular attention to the link between the practice of HRM and organizational performance, evident in improved employee commitment, lower levels of absenteeism and turnover, (10) enhanced quality and efficiency. This area of work is sometimes referred to as ’Strategic HRM’ or SHRM ( not to be confused with the Society for Human Resource Management). Within SHRM three strands of work can be ob served: Best practice, Best Fit and the Resource Based View (RBV). The notion of best practice-sometimes called ’high commitment’ HRM-proposes that the adoption of certain best practices in HRM will result in better organizational performance. These practices included: (11) sharing information, self-managed teams, high pay based on company performance and the reduction of status differentials. However, there is a huge number [单选题]顺线路行走时应走( ),并随时警觉前后列车。
A.轨面 B.轨心 C.轨枕头 D.路肩 [单项选择]下列哪种设备被视为输入设备()。
A. 投影仪 B. 打印机 C. 生物识别身份验证设备 D. 扬声器 [单选题]机房内不可以()。
A.按流程作业 B.随意断电 C.保持清洁 D.监测设备运行情况 [单选题]第 233 题, 本小题 1 分
发电厂、变电站基(改、扩)建工程中调度自动化设备的设计、选型应符合调度自动化专业有关规程规定,并须经相关(____)同意。现场设备的接口和传输规约必须满足调度自动化主站系统的要求。 A. 调度自动化管理部门 B. 基建部门 C. 物资部门 D. 设计部门 [判断题] 中继阀受列车管的压力变化来控制列车管的压力变化,从而完成列车的制动、保压和缓解等作用。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据我国《价格法》,制定关系群众切身利益的公用事业价格、公益性服务价格、自然垄断经营的商品价格时,应当建立( )制度。
A.听证会 B.公示 C.专家审议 D.人民代表评议 [判断题]特高频信号衰减15dB,则其信号强度为原始信号的15%
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交