A--braking system B--breakdowns
C--brick road D--bridge
E--bridge management system F--broken stone surface
G--bus management information system H--bus network
I--bus- kilometer J--bypass road
K--cable car, cableway L--centre line lane
M--changing lane N--climbing lane
O--connecting road P--control station
Q--counter flow R--cross road
S--direct bus T--divided road
"Most episodes of
absent-mindedness--forgetting where you lift something or wondering why you just
entered a room--are caused by a simple lack of attention," says Schacter, "you
are supposed to remember something but you haven’t encoded deeply." Encoding,
Schacter explains, is a special way of paying attention to an event that has a
major impact on recalling it later. Failure to encode properly can create
annoying situations. If you put your mobile phone in a pocket, for example, and
don’t pay attention to what you did because you are involved in a conversation,
you’ll probably forget that the phone is in the jacket now hanging in your
wardrobe. "Your memory itself isn’t failing you," says Schacter, "rather you
didn’t give your memory system the information it needed." Laek of interest can also lead to absent-mindedness. "A man A. it will easily get lost B. it’s not clear enough for you to read C. it’s out of your sight D. it might get mixed up with other things [多选题]鲜活货物( )达不到要求时,承运人有权拒绝承运货物。
A.质量 B.包装 C.运输条件 D.温度 [简答题]线路光纤差动电流保护增加“对侧差动允许信号”才能出口跳闸的目的是什么?南瑞继保新“六统一”线路光纤差动保护什么条件下向对侧发差动动作允许信号?
施工单位应当对管理人员和作业人员每年至少进行( )安全生产教育培训,其教育培训情况记入个人工作档案。安全生产教育培训考核不合格的人员,不得上岗。 A.1次B.2次 C.3次 D.4次 [单项选择]循环水系统大口径阀门一般采用()。
A. 闸阀 B. 截止阀 C. 碟阀 D. 球阀 [判断题]压力容器使用单位应当建立安全阀技术档案。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]某股份公司拟申请首次公开发行股票并上市,下列情形将构成法定障碍的有( )。
A. 最近36个月内未经法定机关核准,擅自公开或者变相公开发行过证券 B. 最近36个月内违反税收法规,受到行政处罚且情节严重 C. 最近36个月内曾向中国证监会提出发行申请,但报送的发行申请文件有虚假记载 D. 最近36个月内曾因产品质量问题,被工商局立案调查 [单选题]作为销售方核算销售收入和增值税销项税额的记账凭证是( )。
A.抵扣联 B.记账联 C.发票联 [单选题]
当导线中的电势差是右高左低时,导线中的电流方向 是() A.从左向右 B.从右向左 C.从上到下 D.从下到上 [判断题]在串联电路中,电路总电压等于各电阻的分电压之和。 ( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交