On a four-day trip to Ethiopia,I had a
dream. In my dream, I saw two men, one older and one younger, facing one another
against a background of temples and pyramids. The father was speaking as he
performed the oil ceremony for his son. I became excited in the possibility of
performing a visiting ceremony (31) my son in Africa. For
the next six days I privately wondered what (32) to use in
such a ceremony. Gradually the words (33) me. By the time we
arrived in Cairo, I was ready. I told my son that there was a ceremony I wanted
to (34) him in the tombs in Egypt. His eyes shone with
(35) . But I wondered if he would still be receptive after
my next statement. In the dream I remembered that the son was oiled, as it
(36) , with a dry substance. I took this to mean that powder
(37) oil was used. Bu A. words B. word C. tongue D. language [单选题]对于使用干气密封系统的气压机组,在润滑油循环以前要先投用()。
A.隔离气 B.高压端密封气 C.低压端密封气 D.缓冲气 [单选题]QC中文全称是( )
A.质量管理 B.质量控制 C.质量过程 D.质量中心 [多选题]动态赢利能力评价指标有( )
A.投资利润率 B.销售利税率 C.内部收益率 D.财务净现值 E.财务净现值率 [简答题]GPS误差的主要来源有哪些?
[单选题]目前我国 10V 供配电系统,采用的是( )接地制式。
A.IT B.TT C.TN-C D.TN-S [判断题]在我国使用范围最广、生物活性最高的抗生素类杀虫剂是拟除虫菊酯。
A. 每季度 B. 每月 C. 每周 [单选题]若无法观察到停电线路、设备的断开点,应有能够反映线路、设备运行状态的电气和机械等指示。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单项选择]
Passage Four [单选题]接触网作业车在中间站停车会让列车时,必须实施保压制动,减压量应达到( )kPa以上。(1分)
A.80 B.100 C.140 D.250 [单项选择]For more than a decade, the prevailing view of innovation has been that little guys had the edge. Innovation bubbled up from the bottom, from upstarts and insurgents. Big companies didn’t innovate, and government got in the way. In the dominant innovation narrative, venture-backed start-up companies were cast as the nimble winners and large corporations as the sluggish losers.
There was a rich vein of business-school research supporting the notion that innovation comes most naturally from small-scale outsiders. That was the headline point that a generation of business people, venture investors and policy makers took away from Clayton M. Christensen’s 1997 classic, The Innovator’s Dilemma, which examined the process of disruptive change. But a shift in thinking is under way, driven by altered circumstances. In the United States and abroad, the biggest economic and social challenges—and potential business opportunities—are problems in multifaceted fields like the environment, e A. will stimulate a chain of other innovations in related fields. B. should fit into a network of changes to become more effective. C. should meet economic challenges to assume social significance. D. can never solve any problem but only serves to complicate it. [多项选择]控制性详细规划的编制通常划分为( )几个阶段。
A. 现状分析研究 B. 规划研究 C. 控制研究 D. 未来预测 E. 成果编制 [判断题]主蒸汽温度高,机组经济性好,因此主蒸汽温度越高越好。( )
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交