"$ 160 for a parking ticket! I’m calling city hall about this. There must be some mistake." Nick thought (36) . "Yes, sir, there is a mistake," said the man at the city hall," (37) I’m afraid the mistake’s (38) . This ticket was for $20. However, the fine doubles every 30 days. It has been 90 days, so the (39) is now $160. You will have to pay that." Nick had the $20 and he (40) to pay the fine. But for some reason the ticket had gotten (41) in his pile of papers and unopened letters.
Nick had always been a (42) person. In the past six months, he had (43) to pay his electricity bill, (44) his jacket at the cleaner’s too (45) and had to pay for the "storage". A job application form he had filled out was never (46) because it, too, was in one of his piles. "Get organized, man," his brother advised. "Plan what you A. long
B. late
C. often
D. early
资产负债表 编制单位:某公司 2011年12月31日 单位:万元 |
资产 | 年初数 | 年末数 | 负债与所有者权益 | 年初数 | 年末数 |
货币资金 | 320 | 385 | 短期借款 | 380 | 680 |
应收账款 | 855 | 1344 | 应付账款 | 670 | 1308 |
其他应收款 | 160 |
35 A. 2.95% B. 2.14% C. 4.55% D. 2.01% [简答题]说明嵌入式系统与一般微型计算机扩展系统的区别。
[判断题]( ) 新时代呼唤并催生新思想,新思想指导并引领新时代。()
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]跨越架、操作人员、工器具与带电体之间的最小安全距离必须符合安规规定,施工人员严禁在跨越架外侧攀登或作业,严禁从封顶架上通过。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]整体组立铁塔应安装铰链,以下说法正确的是( )。
A.铁塔根部应安装塔脚铰链 B.铰链应转动灵活 C.铰链强度应符合施工设计要求 D.铰链与抱杆之间应连接固定 [判断题]接触线磨耗后其张力应根据磨耗值成比例减小。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]按谈判中双方所采取的的态度,可以将谈判分为立场型谈判、原则型谈判和()
A. 软式谈判 B. 集体谈判 C. 横向谈判 D. 投资谈判 [单选题]韶山3型4000系电力机车蓄电池组作为控制电路的后备电源,其标称电压为92.5V,放电5小时后允许最低电压( )。
A.91.5 V B.74V C.72V D.77V 我来回答: 提交